The Barack Obama Show – IOTW Report

The Barack Obama Show

But neither Barack or hip hop artist Macklemore discussed why drug addiction and trafficking have become so widespread in the United States over the last eight years.

So, permit me.

PatriotRetort: I know Saturday mornings haven’t been the same since Melissa Harris-Perry left MSNBC. But thanks be to Allah, a new celebrity has stepped in to fill the void.

This Saturday’s Presidential Weekly Address was more like the Barack Obama Show than it was a presidential weekly address.

This week, Barack welcomed special guest, hip hop artist Macklemore.

Because nothing says “Chief Executive of the Federal Republic” quite like sharing the stage with a hip hop artist.

Barack and Macklemore discussed a very serious problem that apparently only the President can address: Addiction.

Ah, yes. When I think drug addiction, my first thought is, “Oh, where is Barack Obama to save us?!”  MORE

20 Comments on The Barack Obama Show

  1. I’m in the White House! Ho, Ho, Ho
    Lots of good old fashioned blow
    Can’t hear the Wookie in the rooms below
    She harshes my mellow don’t you know!

    Ho, Ho, Ho! Colombian snow!
    Ho, Ho, Ho! No one will know!
    I’m in the White House! Click, Click, Click
    I’m just a f**cked up bolshevik.

  2. I’m sorry, Barack, I know you really need to get across your narrative that the all of the heroin addicts are white, but my god, man, you couldn’t possibly look any more like a prissy gayboy.

  3. I don’t like either of those guys at all. That Macklemore guy I usually see him with Russell Wilson, I’m surprised he was not a part of that appearance.

  4. Macklemore does a commercial that has him standing in a swimming pool, wearing a leather jacket, and Russell Wilson is sitting on the side of the pool. I usually don’t pay any attention to commercials so I don’t remember what this was for, but I think they were talking about a bird. A Russell Wilson bird or some such thing. They are both some sort of celebrity here in Western Washington.

  5. @Tim:Hip hop “artist?”
    My initial reaction, too. But considering this from the OED entry on “artist” it begins to make sense!

    9. One who practises artifice, stratagem, or cunning contrivance; a schemer, contriver.
    10. …one devoted to or unusually proficient in something (reprehensible).

  6. Uncle Al,
    I guess I think of “artist” as guys like Titian, Rembrandt, Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, Hat, Wren … you know … guys who have some talent!

    But I’ll stand corrected in light of the definitions.

    izlamo delenda est …

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