The Bay of Pigs Invasion: What Really Happened? – IOTW Report

The Bay of Pigs Invasion: What Really Happened?

Emerald Robinson:

On April 17th, 1961, there was a nighttime invasion of Cuba by CIA-trained Cuban exiles. It was intended to overthrow the new Communist Castro government just 90 miles from the United States — but it collapsed most embarrassingly in just two days — and it happened only three months into the new Kennedy Presidency.

President Kennedy had inherited the invasion plan from the Eisenhower Administration. A Brigade named “2506” (composed of about 1500 Cuban dissidents) was trained and equipped in Guatemala under the CIA. Brigade 2506 was told there would be a general Cuban uprising to support them once they landed on a swampy coast-line at the Bay of Pigs on the south coast of Cuba.

The Brigade had its own ships — and a fleet of B-26s and other aircraft in support — repainted in Cuban air force colors pretending to be Cuban air force defectors. They were to take out the Castro Cuban air force, and other targets in advance. more here

12 Comments on The Bay of Pigs Invasion: What Really Happened?

  1. Tim, you should care….read the story and then ask yourself who killed JFK? Then relate it to the other 3 letter acronym agencies in DC and their recent behavior!

  2. And how do we know that the (d)s didn’t intend for it to fail as soon as they learned of it? And, more proof that State and the CIA as swamp creatures work ONLY for their own twisted benefit. Hell, State betrayed Jefferson with the Barbary Pirates way back when. We were able to win that event despite them.

  3. @Captain Obvious August 26, 2022 at 12:18 pm

    > Tim, you should care….read the story and then ask yourself who killed JFK?

    Over 60 years ago. And the armies that “killed JFK” were killed… when?

    Tards don’t matter.

  4. Basically, the communist fifth column (traitors) in the CIA alerted Castro.

    We had more communists in the FedGov’t (State, CIA, FBI, DoJ, Pentagon, House, and Senate) than the Soviet Politburo and Chinese Central Committee.

    Still have, come to think of it.
    Which is why it’s relevant.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. An interesting read that didn\’t start out to have anything to do with JFK.
    The guy started out researching the Polio vaccine & it\’s connection to cancer.

    \”Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus\” by Ed Haslam
    I read it about 25 years ago, it\’s likely long out of print, but if you can find it!

  6. That was weird… my post went to a “prove you’re a person” page.
    I didn’t put in all those back slashes and it left off “…read it” from the last sentence.


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