The Beltway Culture Created Scaramucci, and Deserves Him – IOTW Report

The Beltway Culture Created Scaramucci, and Deserves Him

CFP:If you didn’t cringe a little reading about Anthony Scaramucci’s phone call to Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker, I don’t know about you. Scaramucci’s ham-handed, foul-mouthed rant – all on the record to a journalist who was going to report every word of it – makes it harder than it already is to think there is any decorum left in the Trump White House.

I especially face-palmed Scaramucci’s apparent belief that he could persuade Lizza to give up a source out of some sense of duty to the country. Ryan Lizza is a left-wing writer for a left-wing publication, which cares about nothing more than destroying the Trump presidency. He would sooner cut off his own right arm than lift a finger to stop White House leaks.

White House leaks are his lifeblood. I’ve been on my own share of calls from foul-mouthed people who thought they could intimidate me into doing something I had no intention of doing. You just shake your head and think to yourself, “Does this guy really think what he’s doing is going to work?”

And yet, as absurd as this whole spectacle is, the Beltway crowd is 100 percent responsible for the fact that it’s happening. If Scaramucci runs roughshod over the entire city, firing people left and right, and scaring the bejeezus out of everyone, it will be precisely because of the way Washington has operated for far too long. It was inevitable that we would one day elect a president who wasn’t going to put up with it, and if his team wouldn’t respect that, would turn loose a bull in a china shop like Anthony Scaramucci to deal with it.


What we have in Donald Trump and Anthony Scaramucci are the most crude, unprofessional, downright nasty people . . . fighting for what’s right. And the polished, refined, oh-so-proper veterans of the Beltway scene are resisting what’s right with everything they’ve got.

The Washington leak culture is every bit the abomination Trump believes it to be. He has a hard time being taken seriously in the press because they’re the ones who benefit from the leaks, but he’s absolutely correct.

37 Comments on The Beltway Culture Created Scaramucci, and Deserves Him

  1. Fighting against their own people. When I see Scaramucci going after Democrats, maybe I’ll change my mind.

    All I’ve seen out of this jukeboxed head New Yawker is foulmouthed tirades against Bannon and Priebus. And complaining to the liberal media about them.

    But leave his “civilian” wife filing for divorce against him out of it. But then immediately accuse Priebus of having a mistress this morning.

    This is a chinese fire drill not some grand master plan. Unfortunately, too many formerly right thinking people are enjoying the circular firing squad. Wonder not when nothing is accomplished in the next year and 4 months as the well keeps getting poisoned at every opportunity.

  2. Getting rid of Priebus was long over due but perfectly timed. Was he the leaker or a leaker? A lot of people seem to think so. But after the failure of the RINO Uni Party this week, firing Priebus was a clear indication DJT is done trying to appease them. Mooch’s foul mouthed interview was pretty stupid. Especially when DJT actually had a pretty decent week. Nobody heard about that because Mr. Potty mouth was hogging all the air time. Bringing Kelly on as Chief of staff is a great move. Now move Sessions to Home Land Security and get a damn Pit Bull for an AG.

  3. Scaramucci has a role to fill that must be met.

    Like it or not, As Rahm and so many others can attest, a pit bull mentality and intentional crudeness does convey the serious intent of the speaker.

    If Scaramucci is to ferret out disloyal leakers and causes others pause before they leak confidential information, he will have succeeded. He will more than likely step aside as his role is accomplished.

    Yeah, it’s a dirty and difficult job when you are neck deep in a hostile swamp.

  4. I like Scaramucci, thinking out loud might get him in trouble but I don’t think he cares. I like the idea of moving Sessions to Homeland Security also. Who is the right person for AG?

  5. I’ve worked for several Fortune 50 companies and can tell you that the CEO in every one of them had a hatchet man to do the dirty work.

    In the Trump administration, they’ve all been too busy sticking knives in Trump’s back to play the hatchet man. How often have you heard ANY Trump admin officals or ANY congress critters or ANY conservative pundits say anything 100% pro Trump? There’s ALWAYS a “but….” Damning through faint praise.

    Trump was told not to rock the boat too much when he took office. Bring in establishment types to smooth the way. He let that play out for exactly 6 months.

    Scaramucci may not be there for the long term but he’s putting the fear of God in the traitors and firing those who can’t be saved. Draining the swamp requires a bad ass so complain all you want about his language.

    I’m going to judge him on results.

  6. SCAREamucci!
    I think he serves two roles. First one is exposing and eliminating the moles. The other is to create media distractions so Trump’s team can get the real work done behind their backs.

  7. I didn’t read Scaramucci’s therapy for leakers with Lizza, but whatever he said, as long as he didn’t use God’s name in vain is great with me. Maybe it’s the Italian in me. Get the Mooch.

  8. SCR*W that CFP author. “The Professor” has it right.
    Remember all those
    “What a potty mouth Patton is! Roosevelt has to fire him NOW!” articles from WWII?
    yeah. Me neither.
    F*CK CFP and any writer who tries to second guess this Administration in its herculean efforts.
    Go Trump! Go Mooch! Sick ’em!

  9. This is too, too rich.

    There are a lot of people who want someone to do the dirtiest job on the planet — wade into the cesspool, reach down into the impenetrable filth of it and pull the plug, and they want him to do it wearing his Sunday best clothes, manners and language.

    This is virtue signalling at its rankest.

  10. TO AA

    Yeah…*especially* since we all remember how everyone in the Obama Administration (Rahm, anyone?!) adhered to the strictest of etiquette. /s

  11. AA, you made me snicker. I immediately thought of Jesus driving out the money changers from the Temple. What do people think he did, ask them nicely and they filed out in order? HA, he whooped some ASS! I bet his hair was flying and the holy fire of justice was blazing out of his eyes!

    Just so everyone knows; I’m not comparing Mooch with Jesus. It’s just that some times call for ass whoopings. And that ain’t dainty.

  12. Scaramucci the Enforcer is needed right now. The effect is like turning lights on a bunch of roaches – they scatter.
    Not a time to be nice, forgetaboutit! Trump made a great choice bringing Mucci to the table.
    BTW, great examples of kick butt warriors, Claudia and Czar of Defenestration.

  13. “You didn’t think the swamp was going to be drained easily, did you? The likes of Reince Priebus were never going to do it. This guy may not achieve as much swamp-drainage as we’d like, but whatever he does, he’s going to take no prisoners in the process.

    I for one look forward to the executions.”

    Scaramucci obviously has Calabrese’s respect.

  14. “You didn’t think the swamp was going to be drained easily, did you?”

    Ahh, most of these people are like pigs. You make one squeal and it get’s the rest of their attention real quick. The 10% that stay in the swamp will be a real problem.

  15. When I was a little lad I went with an Uncle to fetch a donkey. I asked him what the 2 x 4 was for. He said to get the donkey’s attention!

  16. Likewise, all I care about are results. Preferably lasting ones that can’t be overturned because they were enacted by Pen and Phone ™.

    But who is signing up to join this administration exactly? If these rats and cockroaches (Priebus, Bannon, Sessions) aren’t doing their jobs, who hired these pukes exactly?

    Once Trump got the Presidency, it was fence mending time to get people on the Republican side behind him. Whether that’s steak dinners, goodies for their constituency, committee assignments or whatever to bury the hatchet. Instead, it’s score settling time so enjoy the primal scream for the next year and a quarter or so. The mid-terms are here before you know it and if that fence isn’t under construction then it is one and done.

    I know it’s virtue signaling to say that I don’t want people allegedly on my side airing their dirty laundry in public or attacking each other instead of Democrats. If you’ve got to fire them then invite them out for a paddleboat ride in the middle of the lake.

    But who in their right mind is going to join an administration that threatens to “air their oppo research” on their own side when they fire them as Scaramucci’s personal sack wrangler did earlier today.

    This isn’t about offended tender sensibilities because Cuss Words. It is about damaging the likelihood of people who can get shit done to join this President because it looks like they’ll get spit out and have any secrets revealed by their boss’s attack dog. Who just happened to donate money to Clinton, Obama, Kerry, and Al Gore.

    Viva the whatever the fuck this revolution is supposed to be.

  17. Cliche, it seems you’re not considering the possibility that Trump et al intentionally hired these weasels – with the intention of using them to “out” the rats within the system.

    People get sloppy when they think they’ve gotten away with something…then get desperate and sloppy when they see their confidants are being hung out to dry.

    It sounds like you’re expecting for Trump to act/react like most politicians (mostly Ds but also some Rs), just being partisan to the Party and its purity. Trump was never that way.

    Time will tell.

  18. p.s. As far as, “…who in their right mind is going to join an administration that threatens to “air their oppo research” on their own side” goes, the air up at that level is miiiighty thin, meaning the job descriptions (with the exceptions of e.g. Cabinet level Secretaries) are verrrry narrowly defined…vary from that and expect the hatchet in a corporation as well.

    In a way, you can boil it doewn to the word: LOYALTY (which is Trump’s unspoken motto). And Federal Government Executive Branch work at that level is “walking on eggshells” every second anyway. Comes with the territory.

  19. IF the mooch is going to drain the swamp, then let’s see him over at State Dept handing out pink slips like they are going out of style. Gut D of Energy and gut D of Education. Salty language or no, let’s see some results. Those agencies, and others, are infested w swamp critters

  20. Trump advanced his case for becoming President with the idea that he was a very successful businessman, and that he would be bringing that talent to the White House. So far, Trump has been running the country like his three failed Atlantic City casinos. All these distractions are costing him a great deal of his credibility with the moderates and dissatisfied Democrats who got him elected. The Republicans he needs in Congress to get things accomplished are running away from Trump. I want him to succeed as much as any of his most fervent admirers, but this dysfunctional madness is going to cost all of us if the Democrats recapture the Congress and hold on to the seats they have in the Senate. Surely there must be a better way to drain the swamp and reform health care than this clown show. Please prove me wrong.

  21. How very funny that the ‘virtue’ worriers are neck deep in 💩, as they sling their barbs towards all things Trump. Tough to throw barns, when your arms are laden with your own excrement.

  22. First – Scaramucci knew that the phone conversation with a journalist wasn’t private and would be aired out for the world to see.
    Knowing full well every word would most likely be printed, I’m thinking there was specific fodder in there that we may not even be privy to, aimed directly at where it needed to be aimed.
    Second – There is a reason that enemies on the field are taken captive if possible and held as prisoners vs traitors who were on our side and gave away secrets to the enemy. For helping the enemy and hurting our side, traitors are hung. Pure and simple.
    If it comes out that someone we thought were the pinnacles of greatness and support turned over our private information to the enemy, it doesn’t matter how great they were or what position they held. Scaffold time.

    Hang’em high from the Scaramucci Scaffold!

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