The Best Thing About Working From Home – IOTW Report

The Best Thing About Working From Home

Why go to the office when you can have co-workers like these?

10 Comments on The Best Thing About Working From Home

  1. OT: I just finished filling out my census form. The gubmint is VERY interested in my race and ethnic background, but not so much in my citizenship status. I guess the dems won again.

  2. This is exhausting! I’m making meals or snacks for critters all day then they want to play.
    The man needs meals and snacks too, then he wants to play. When do I get a nap?

  3. Although I don’t work for a living anymore, when I sit at my desk I have my 2 best catbuddies sitting in ‘their’ respective chairs on either side of me, just i case I need a ‘pet’.
    The dog’s in the other room with Wambam, as usual.


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