The Beto Sizzle sputtered out like a wet fart – IOTW Report

The Beto Sizzle sputtered out like a wet fart

Patriot Retort: Remember how elated the unbiased Guardians of the TruthTM were when Beto O’Rourke jumped into the 2020 race?  It was Betomania!  Girl reporters (and Chris Matthews) swooned over that Beto Sizzle.

He’s so dreamy!

He’s our own RFK!  I mean, he even has the same first and middle name!!!

But it turns out that Beto Sizzle was nothing but a sputtering wet fart. read more

15 Comments on The Beto Sizzle sputtered out like a wet fart

  1. Sizzling like a frying pan loaded with bacon grease & the stove set on high. After a couple of months, the heat kept getting reduced until the heat was turned off, letting it sit for a couple of weeks. Now both the rancid, burnt grease & pan are now thrown out. ( Both “Irish Bob” & his staff ) because he burnt them as well.

  2. The guy is a has been that really never was.

    The poison he spewed is like that spewed by Blowjob Harris and Fauxcahontas.

    They should all rot in hell with clinton and obama.

  3. Socially and intellectually Beato his Meato never made it past junior high. Has no idea how naive he is. He’s as arrogant as the cool kid in 7th grade with a driver’s license.

  4. I remember a surgeon friend of mine in 2007 telling how smart this unknown candidate was and that was what qualified him to run for president. Turns out Obama was one of the stupidest. Same thing they said about Beto and Stalin and Mao and Hitler and Pol Pot. It’s an old commie saw

  5. Gin blossom, Ichabod means the glory of the Lord has departed, something Beto never had and never will as well as most of the democraps who are running for President. And you call it a pair of underwear since it has two holes for sticking your pair of legs through.

  6. You implying that there’s something wrong with a wet fart?

    Oh, man, a wet, sputterin, greasy, chine-bone and kale, fat-back and day-old-chili beans fart about two inches above my nose … nuthin says “lovin” like somethin from the “oven!” … don’t get no better than that!

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