The “Biden Administration” Façade – IOTW Report

The “Biden Administration” Façade

Patriot Retort:

I’m a fan of the old TV series “Gilmore Girls.” The show takes place in the fictional town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut and was filmed on the Warner Brothers’ set once used for the musical “Music Man.” Most of the buildings in the town are fake – just a façade front with nothing behind it.

And behind each façade are studio sound stages carefully hidden from view.

Here’s the overhead from my Apple Maps app:

But that’s part of the Hollywood magic, isn’t it?

A building façade held up by a lumber scaffold with carefully-positioned set decorations and camera angles so television viewers can’t see that half of Stars Hollow is, well hollow.

This might as well be an overhead shot of the Biden Administration.

There is no Biden Administration. It’s all a façade — with carefully-positioned set decorations to hide the fact that the public face is a phony as a movie set.

And hidden behind that façade are the sound stages where the real work is done. read more

12 Comments on The “Biden Administration” Façade

  1. President* Dementia Joe Obiden Bama is not going to be removed until he cannot follow the script. Susan Rice is managing this Alzheimer’s Ward, and she’s taking directions from Osmidgen. Barracky is pulling the strings, pushing the agenda, and making the decisions. Dr. Jill and Kalamity are playing along, because it’s the only way either one of them gets rewarded for accepting their roles in this charade. If Poor Joey gets the hook too soon, the Jamindian will start replacing Omohammed’s appointments, so they have to keep him around till the 2022 midterm elections. After that, Kalamity can take charge and get blamed for the Full Catastrophe.

  2. My Dad was assigned to France in ’60 for 3 years and we lived there (I did not like it at all). This was when the Berlin Wall went up. We travelled to Berlin and with my Dad staying behind, my Mother, brother, and I got on a bus and went into East Berlin. We were told that wherever the “tour guide” pointed we were to look in the opposite direction. I looked exactly as described above–all the buildings were fake façades designed to look like a prosperous section of the country. Even though I was young 10 or 11–I was so relieved to get out of there. That is how I feel now.

  3. We all knew Biden wasn’t and isn’t capable of running anything.
    They must be paying Doc J a lot of money. If my guesses are right this is sweet revenge for all those years living with Pedo Joe.
    This is Obama’s 3rd term. He’s got Biden’s pen and phone and he’s moving fast before the mid terms.

    It’s about power.

  4. FTA: The Biden administration is the equivalent of one of those cartoons of a bunch of kids standing on each other’s shoulders while draped in a trenchcoat so they can all pretend to be one adult.
    The illusion holds up until they try to walk.

    Perfect description…. aaaannnd we all know Jackass Joe can’t walk and chew gum at the same time!!


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