The Biden Administration Wanted to Cover Up the Chinese Spy Balloon Incident – IOTW Report

The Biden Administration Wanted to Cover Up the Chinese Spy Balloon Incident

TH:On January 28, China sent over a surprise: a spy balloon nearly the size of the Statue of Liberty. It hovered over the United States for a couple of days before being shot down off the Carolina coast on February 4. How this massive surveillance device escaped detection from NORAD made for an embarrassing episode for US security officials.

The balloon hovered over sensitive military sites. Biden wanted to shoot down the balloon, though he was persuaded not to do so by the brass due to falling debris. Yet, we know that wasn’t the first option. The Biden administration wanted to hide its existence and subsequent penetration of US airspace (via NBC News):  MORE

14 Comments on The Biden Administration Wanted to Cover Up the Chinese Spy Balloon Incident

  1. Lemme put on my skeptical face and axe:
    “Sooooo… yer telling me they didn’t know about it when it was floating over the Pacific where it could have easily been shot down in territorial waters???

    Hand me the phone, I’m calling BULLSHIT!

  2. If any thinking person ever needed any prima facie evidence that Joe Biden is owned lock, stock and barrel by the Chinese communists (among others), the balloon incident is absolute proof. Joe Biden (and many, if not most, deep state players, military leaders and politicians) have been bribed and have completely sold out to the CCP / WEF and they care far more about their own financial status than they do about the citizens of the USA and the security or our nation.

    No valid leader of America that gave a damn about our country and our way of life would have let an enemy spy balloon fly over and collect volumes of information on our sensitive military sites unless they were compromised to the hilt by China. Joe Biden and many others in our government are actively committing treason against America and every one of its citizens as tens of millions of illegals are welcomed in and their new “rich and famous” lifestyles are financed by our tax dollars,. Meanwhile. our enemies can fly spy aircraft across our country with impunity, all while the actual valid and lawfully elected president is fighting to stay out of jail for bullshit lawfare nonsense brought against him by the illegitimate regime that was installed by the deep state bureacrats.

    I fear (and can only hope) that the boiling pot is about to violently explode, even though it needs to do so if western civilization and America itself is to survive the enemies within.

  3. Biden, his cronies, and the top brass of “our” Armed Forces are straight-up traitors.
    They allowed the Chinese to spy completely across the continent until the balloon was heading out into the Atlantic – having fulfilled its mission – before shooting it down.
    Only the “useful idiots” of the Media could propound the inarguably bold lie that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey, et. al., were in any way trying to protect the United States.
    These people need to be tried for treason – and when convicted – put to death – their carcasses fed to hogs after being gibbeted.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Actually, think about what a powerful message that flight was. Basically, the Chinese were saying “we’re capable of penetrating your airspace and spying directly over your country, and your military and government are too weak, stupid, or corrupt to stop us.”

  5. That’s nothing. ~ 10 years ago I was cleaning up the boat after a long day fishing, heard a weird sounding aircraft, and in a hole in the high cloud cover, appeared TU 95 bear. The turbo props were visible and that’s why the weird sound. The plane has a pretty unique appearance. Couldn’t be anything else.
    I tried getting answers as to my curiosity of why the Russian Bomber was in our air space. Crickets.


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