The Biden family isn’t America’s only political elite getting rich off communist China – IOTW Report

The Biden family isn’t America’s only political elite getting rich off communist China

ConservativeUnergroundNews: Joe Biden has been running for cover the last few months as more information leaks out about his family’s – most specifically his son Hunter’s – ties to communist China.

It’s being reported that the Biden family has raked in about $31 million from the Chinese government.

And now, the world is learning that the Biden family isn’t America’s only political elite getting rich off communist China.

Peter Schweizer is a political consultant, writer and senior editor-at-large for Breitbart News, but he’s also quickly becoming the most hated man in Washington, D.C.

Schweizer’s latest book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win has the nation’s capital abuzz with stories of political corruption on both sides of the aisle.

Given Hunter Biden’s checkered past, most were unfazed by the news that the Biden family has deep ties to communist China and has profited from those ties to the tune of $31 million.

It’s the other names that are beginning to surface that many are questioning whether or not American politicians really have the American people’s best interest in mind.

According to Schweizer’s book, one of the longest and most lucrative ties connecting the Chinese communist Party to the American political elite is the one developed decades ago by former President George H.W. Bush. more


14 Comments on The Biden family isn’t America’s only political elite getting rich off communist China

  1. You know what they say, “There’s no reason to ever hit a woman.” Shit! There’s a reason to hit everybody. You just don’t do it. Shit, there’s a reason to kick an old man down a flight of stairs. You just don’t do it. Ain’t nobody above an ass-whooping. – Chris Rock

    I count seven most excellent examples in that one photograph

  2. Bubba and Hielzebub preening after church clutching their Bibles…
    o’Bozo’s muslim faith slip and Mooch’s whining with his moof full o’ lobster…
    W falsely claiming that his ‘hero’ is Jesus…

    Liars, Thieves, Fornicators. Most importantly Hypocrites, TOTALLY misrepresenting who they are.

    They should all pray that coking on a pretzel stops them from continuing

  3. You can find many clips for HW talking about ‘The New World Order’. He was Reagan’s Mike Pence and when he was elected he made sure to revert back to taxation, selling out the country, moving the jobs out etc. while doing everything to benefit China and other nations.

  4. Precisely what I said here 2 days ago. The Bush Clan IS MUCH MORE CONNECTED TO/ CONTROLLED BY CHI COM than Biden. And the sell out of working Americans started 50 years ago with GHWB; but GWB did Americans much more harm than anyone else.

    And, though “out of office” over a decade; still works for Red China using the tools of : Sens Mitch, Roy Blunt- House: Kevin, Liz

    To condemn Bidens while not condemning the Bushes much louder is partisan bigotry of the worst kind. Bot hurt Americans; but bush much more and for much longer.

  5. From the article:
    “… many are questioning whether or not American politicians really have the American people’s best interest in mind.”

    No shit! Good observation, Columbo.

  6. I may not read any of Mr Schweizer’s books for a long time (I have a stack of “must reads” 2 feet deep) but I can at least support him by buying his books.

  7. Nothing new with the Bushes, they have been criminals for years.
    The NWO and the Republicans would not let Ronald Reagan run for president unless he agreed to put Bush Sr. as VP. Bush SR was the CIA Director.
    Both SR and Jr Bushes were in “skull and bones” where they lay naked in a coffin and pledge allegiance to Satan. The Bush’s made millions from China

  8. To that list of money-grubbers and people-abusers add Epstein-associate Cryin Chuckie Schumer, seks predator Cuomo, Gullible Gillibrand, Donkey-Mouth and failed actress AOC, Nuisance Newsom, Uglyfoot Lightfoot, “kidnapped-by-the-fbi” Whitmer, de-commie Blasio & thieving wife, Million-Dolla Mansions Maxine Waters, Whoopi-Cushion Fart Bag Obese Goldberg, Hiccup Hochul, Howdy Doody- Lookin Psaki, Fauci Mengele and (then) director Francis Collins and numerous others who throw in with the CCP along with nahzee-lovin and mega-racist minority-exploiting George Soros and his accomplices.

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