The Biden Papers: Former VP Keeps Senate Documents Secret, Hidden from Public – IOTW Report

The Biden Papers: Former VP Keeps Senate Documents Secret, Hidden from Public

Breitbart: Thousands of documents pertaining to Joe Biden’s nearly 40-year career in the U.S. Senate are still unavailable to the public after one of the preliminary release deadlines agreed to by the former vice president passed on Tuesday.

The documents, which purportedly fill 1,875 boxes and include 415 gigabytes of electronic records spanning Biden’s time in Congress between 1973 through 2009, were to be made public on Dec. 31, 2019, according to an agreement the former vice president entered into with the University of Delaware in 2011 upon donating his papers to the institution.

Those parameters, however, were changed on April 24—the day before Biden declared his 2020 campaign—when the university announced the trove of documents would now be made public on Dec. 31 or “two years” after the former vice president “retires from public life.” At the time, the university provided no definition for what it considered “public life,” leaving open the final date for release.

Included among the documents are “committee reports, drafts of legislation,” and personal correspondance between Biden and his colleagues. Some of the records are likely to be controversial, especially those detailing the former vice president’s early work alongside southern segregationists to oppose busing to integrate public schools. read more

15 Comments on The Biden Papers: Former VP Keeps Senate Documents Secret, Hidden from Public

  1. You don’t keep things secret unless you have something that needs to be hidden.

    And you don’t have something that needs to be hidden unless you have been involved in some kind of dirty deeds and want to avoid the consequences of it being known.


  2. They better get a move on. Crayon colors deteriorate over time.

    The only pertinent papers re Biden would be criminal charges.

    Or at least an obituary–which may not be as full of kaka because Joe will be 6 ft under.

  3. Freedom of Information Act, the law of the land; and, if you really want “information” you have to sue the government. Then, depending on the court of jurisdiction, you may or may not get the work product of your lawmaker; but, you will certainly be out a ton of bucks either way. Freedom ain’t free.

  4. …Aren’t those PUBLIC documents?

    …if not, WHY not?

    …he WAS on OUR time clock when he made them, after all…

    …meanwhile, the President of the United States can’t even have a priveleged conversation with his LAWYER…

  5. He wanted to save them for his Joey R Biden pubic library.
    The gift shop will sell polyester stuffed legs with curly blonde fur on it.
    (Comes with 1 plastic roach and a trial-sized box of corn pops.)

    And then there’s the beanbag chair shaped like Biden’s lap that only children can jump on.


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