The Biggest Justice Department Official Yet Just Stepped Down – IOTW Report

The Biggest Justice Department Official Yet Just Stepped Down

DC: Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand, the number three official at the Department of Justice, resigned late Friday.

The New York Times reports that Brand is leaving federal service to take a job as a general counsel in the private sector, a far more lucrative prospect than government work.

Officially, Brand’s departure is not related to the controversies that have roiled the department at the highest levels. Still, that she would leave after just nine months in the administration suggests that conflict has destabilized the upper echelons of the Justice Department.  more here

9 Comments on The Biggest Justice Department Official Yet Just Stepped Down

  1. “Brand served in former President George W. Bush’s Justice Department before her appointment as associate AG. She is a graduate of Harvard Law School and clerked for Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.”

    Good riddance!

  2. The story I read over at CTH about her claimed that she has been spending most of her time at Justice pushing for more national surveillance of Americans — and that she is leaving to be Walmart’s chief legal counsel.

  3. Instead of trying to help keep the vessel afloat and repair the damage, the true rats abandon ship. Donald Trump’s election has opened the biggest can of worms the world has ever seen. Pray for his safety.

  4. …and just in case it didn’t occur to us, if you ever sent an email or made a phone call, or posted a comment to the Trump campaign FB page, or followed the campaign or Trump on Twitter, etc., a Title I FISA permission means ANYONE connected to Trump in any way was an allowable target of surveillance. At least that is my understanding from reading the description of such a surveillance level.

  5. Walmart? Global Governance Director? Sounds like one of those positions that corporations have for getting political influence.
    That’s as sad as obummer’s press secretary Gibbs getting a job at McDonalds as “Chief Communications Officer”.

  6. she was the point person on reauthorizing FISA which was being used to overturn Trump’s election. she was also vocally for the NSA’s massive collection of metadata on ALL OF US while the rest of the panel overseeing it’s abuse of our civil rights voted to overturn it. Bush appointed her and the Bushes are proving to be Deep State scumbags who prefer Obama over Trump probably because they have so much to hide particularly over their providing cover for the Saudis on 9/11. the bush administration was also in contact with at least 2 of the hijackers and DID NOTHING TO STOP THEM AND EVERYTHING TO MAKE SURE WE NEVER HEARD ABOUT IT .as obama will be revealed so will the Bushes.

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