The biggest threat to Obamacare yet is right around the corner – IOTW Report

The biggest threat to Obamacare yet is right around the corner

C. Steven Tucker

A case about to be decided by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit could stop Obamacare dead in its tracks in 34 states. ‘Halbig v Burwell’ is based on an illegal action taken by the Internal Revenue Service in 2012.  Below I will outline that illegal action and the two sections of the PPACA (Obamacare) that are relevant in this case.

State-based exchanges and federally facilitated exchanges


10 Comments on The biggest threat to Obamacare yet is right around the corner

  1. I’m no Philadelphia lawyer, but it seems pretty straightforward to me.

    If the court rules as it should, this could be the long-awaited death knell for Obamascare.

  2. If the court rules as it should, this could be the long-awaited death knell for Obamascare.

    It’s not whether the court rules as it should, it’s if the court rules at all. Or doesn’t rule until after the mid-term elections.

    For an example of judicial fuckery in that neck of the woods, see Palmer v. DC

    I refuse to get my hopes up about things like this any more.

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