The Blaze suspends Marine vet journalist for shooting at ISIS fighters – IOTW Report

The Blaze suspends Marine vet journalist for shooting at ISIS fighters

MilitaryTimes: A Marine veteran turned journalist has been recalled from Iraq after tweeting a picture showing him shooting at ISIS fighters.


[As of  12/10/16, 4am EST, the Tweet remains]

On Thursday, Jason Buttrill tweeted a picture of him with a sniper rifle along with the the message: “Major bucket list completed. Shoot at #ISIS ? Check!”

Buttrill also tweeted that he fired six shots at the enemy.  “ISIS looked like ants on that scope, but…my USMC PMI [primary marksmanship instructor] was exceptional.”

The Blaze initially wrote a story extolling Buttrill for taking part in the action, but they issued a statement on Friday that his actions were unacceptable.

“Jason Buttrill is a valued researcher for Mercury Radio Arts for a television show that airs on TheBlaze network,” the statement says. “Given his military and security background, Mr. Buttrill was offered the opportunity for an important research assignment in Iraq. Due to his conduct, Mercury Radio Arts has recalled him back to the US. He has been suspended from further field research assignments.”  More

20 Comments on The Blaze suspends Marine vet journalist for shooting at ISIS fighters

  1. ISIS is like a Hydrophobic dog.
    Not shooting them on site is an offense against civilization.
    But I agree w/ AL and Vietvet. Some achievements in life are gifts to yourself alone.
    That, and not bringing enemy fire down on a bunch of camera guys and PA’s.

  2. I’ll be going against the grain but the decision to recall him was correct. You can’t call yourself a journalist and be a combatant at the same time. Doing this only makes the lot of any journalist captured a lot more dangerous and gives ISIS more reasons to state the coverage is biased.

  3. I’m with Uncle Al, VietVet, Lazlo and SCR North on this one. If he wants to pump rounds at ISIS, he should keep his mouth shut about it ( and then maybe his memoirs like VietVet said). If he really wants to be a combatant, then reenlist in the Marines.

  4. Should have followed Obama’s lead……
    Shoot at unmanned (empty) ISIS training sites.
    Shoot at unoccupied vehicles.

    Buttrill’s interpretation of events and actions appear to be more bravado and desire to impress. Six rounds down range at that distance are not kills, particularly the way he worded his message. Only those with him at the time can confirm or deny.

  5. I grilled hamburgers for lunch … if I worked for the Blaze, I’da been recalled on account of “offending the Veterinarians.”

    No, I didn’t take any pics or twitter it …

    izlamo delenda est …

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