The Blaze uncovers J6 CCTV evidence that shows Pelosi’s team was in on it – IOTW Report

The Blaze uncovers J6 CCTV evidence that shows Pelosi’s team was in on it

The Blaze’s investigative team spent three exhaustive days tracking David Lazarus’s movements. And it was worth it. Their findings suggest that his sworn testimony might be completely false. Isn’t that the kind of thing people get jailed for? On a brighter note, this CCTV footage is now with the Oath Keepers’ legal team, who will hopefully use it to get new trials for their clients. more

12 Comments on The Blaze uncovers J6 CCTV evidence that shows Pelosi’s team was in on it

  1. Seb Gorka, as they’re calling him now, reported a couple days ago on Instagram that since Milley Vanillies retirement a couple of his aides have reported he planned this entire thing in conjunction with Pelosi. How much treason can one asshole commit before somethings done about it.

  2. And this is news to who? The whole J6 fiasco was set up to discredit DJT and all conservative republicans. As always, the left plan on not getting caught, and refusing to prosecute if they are.

  3. Make every elected position a voluntary only, no pay check position.
    Term limits and start hanging these voter fraud people for treason.
    Declare political parties terror groups.

  4. Sadly, none of this will fix itself.
    The people in power have absolutely no qualms about imprisoning and/or killing us.
    OF COURSE Pelosi was “in on it!” As were the Capitol Police, the FBI, the DOJ, and the maggots on the benches who sentenced the J6 defendants – knowing full well that the whole thing is a charade.
    Our entire gov’t is in the hands of greedy, treasonous maggots – from the White Hut to the SCROTUS to the House to the Senate and on down to the Agencies and to most of the state Capitals.
    These maggots aren’t just protecting their ride on the gravy train – they are serious traitors.

    As long as we keep our heads down and our asses up, we’re going to continue getting fucked.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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