The Block Drain Master of the Universe – IOTW Report

The Block Drain Master of the Universe

From Zonga:
YouTube’s  Drain Addict is a guy in Australia who, with his little sidekick Ratty, is the Blocked Drain Master of the Universe.  He’s the guy plumbers call.

DO NOT  look at the videos if you have a weak stomach.  He must be immune to every disease on earth.

41 Comments on The Block Drain Master of the Universe

  1. you know how much trouble that guy’d be in if he dumped that shit (no pun intended) on the ground like that in the US?

    people dump anything down a toilet … & I mean anything!

    one of my first experiences w/ a sewer pump check valve that wouldn’t shut down … we shut down the gate valve to the pump, opened the check & found a woman’s wig stuck in the valve, keeping it open …. as we were pulling it out (what a mess!), I started laughing, telling my helper, “just imagine it, he’s yelling at her … ‘you ain’t goin’ out, bitch!’, ‘the hell I ain’t!’ she yells back, he grabs the wig off her head & flushes it down”

    … & you ain’t seen a clog until you go down into a 45′ deep mechanical bar-screen chamber that is totally clogged w/ grease-bergs calving potato monsters

    grease is the main clogger of pipes … do yourself a favor & try never to put any grease (including mayo or salad dressing) down any drain!

    btw, a pic of creamed corn woulda captured the moment … just sayin’

  2. I can’t believe I ever complained about my arrestees crapping in their pants, urinating on themselves, puking on themselves, bleeding, spitting at me and transporting them in my police car. Whatever that guy gets paid, probably isn’t enough.

  3. Friends of ours said that the rooter guy found a bedspread in their drain field. How does a bedspread get into a drain field?

    Yah, I shouldn’t have watched this before reading the warning. Thanks, Zonga.

    MJA — This one merits the little “stinky, poo poo face girl”.

  4. CCNV
    JUNE 21, 2020 AT 10:12 PM
    “As a former EMT, I prefer blood and guts…as long as it’s not my own.”

    …I’ve been hit with every imaginable body fluid in my Squad days, had a gravely sick infant throw up in my mouth during CPR, suctioned chunky meat with a Laerdal out of a choking stroke patient while the cops rolled over my legs fighting his drug-dealing son, picked fish out of a guy’s throat with my fingers at a Red Lobster after which he spewed partly digested Cheesy Biscuits all over the surroundings including me, started my hospital time by having a guy piss on me through his pants while I was lying on his legs to keep him from kicking the doctor in his agony, sponged grey matter from motorcycle victims off my squad cot, and held plastic bags for more vomiting people than I care to remember, picked up drowned bloat and long-stewed old lady, enjoyed the smell of roasted flesh from recently deceased house fire victims, and that’s all years BEFORE I became a father and learned the joys of having my infant son shit in my hand when I’m trying to quick change him at 0530 before I go to work, so there ain’t NOTHIN’ dude can pull out of a drain that’s gonna cross MY eyes…

    …I learned something very early about shit.

    It wipes off.

    Oh, and it’s good to wear gloves when handling it.

    And keep your mouth CLOSED if there’s even a CHANCE it can be airborne.

    …of all THAT, I hate vomit the WORST.

    The SOUND of it hitting the inside of a plastic bag in all it’s chunky glory makes me want to puke MYSELF.

    And the SMELL…

    …some guys I knew put Vasoline under their nose when starting a shift, claimed it masked the smell of vomit. All it ever did for ME was make me discover I liked the smell of Vasoline even LESS than vomit. I learned to just gag a bit on the first wave of smell, swallow, then it became extinct to me so I could contine the job…

    …this learned ability made it possible to save my own son’s life 30 years later, but that’s a different story for another day, let’s just say you never know WHAT God’s equipping you for when he equips you, but thank God that HE knows even when you DON’T…

    …poop is gross…
    …and God is great.

    Two facts of life that NEVER change.

  5. Zonga there are sewing videos or how to sew on a button, or how to wear a red bathing suit.
    The gals on iOTW are the best.
    We cut a 4 inch drain line that was 120 feet long and plugged under a house it took 500 pounds of lime to kill the smell and a deep hole.

  6. SNS, I have a slightly funny story slightly along those lines.

    In Bal-mer. Telco trouble, static on line. I went to the NID first. All clear. I banged on the door and was admitted into the domicile. “Kindly conduct me, sir, to the telephone what affronts you…”

    He’s eating fruitloops out of a styrofoam bowl. He points to the kitchen jack, his loud and effervescent mastication of fruitloops prevented him from speech.

    “Ahh, I thank you!”

    I place my turtle and linesman test set. Yup. Static. I pull the kitchen wall plate and 7000 baby roaches burst from beneath the plate and run in every direction.

    I became speechless in my revulsion. Dude behind me, in between crunches of his fucking fruitloops, said, “Roaches…”, and kept fucking munching.

  7. Erik JUNE 21, 2020 AT 11:16 PM

    …you paint quite the word picture there, Erik, thank you for that vivid description right down to the bowl level.

    Was this in Ohio? ‘Cause this guy sounds kind of familiar.

    One thing bothers me, though.

    Where were the ADULT roaches?

    …ok, TWO things bother me.

    Were you able to fix the PHONE?

  8. Two of us were sitting and talking on a bench in the starboard head of the USS ______, fast attack submarine, at 04:30 a.m. A newly signed-off forward auxiliaryman came outside the doorway and declared he was going to “blow the shitters.” 04:30 is when that was done every day. It was routine.

    Imagine the rest when he forgot to first secure the starboard head drain stopcock before pressurizing the tank. Yes, indeed, we were instantly covered from head to toe with the excrement of our fellow crewmen as the contents of the starboard shit tank exploded back up through every sink and shower drain there.

    “Oh, SHIT! Sorry! Sorry!” exclaimed the auxiliaryman as the compartment turned brown in a zero visibility downpour of liquid shit. For a couple of seconds, we dared not breathe.

    Then, we both laughed hysterically for several minutes as we stripped off our clothes and jumped into the two showers there. The auxiliaryman hosed down the compartment as we showered. The whole boat had a good laugh and it turns out it wasn’t the first time that particular ‘mistake’ had happened!

  9. Good thing about corn is you can eat it, poop it, strain it and eat it again…you know, when times are extremely tough…think survival. Very cost effective, too. Just saying.

  10. Jimmy JUNE 21, 2020 AT 11:31 PM

    …this raises a question in my mind that you may be able to answer, if it’s not classified.

    My understanding of WWII U.S. surface vessels was that they had a red toilet that anyone with an active social disease was to use. Due to limited space, I’m sure the subs didn’t do that THEN, but given that they’re MUCH larger NOW, was that or is that a ‘thing’ on them?

    …you can probably guess the follow-up question, if so…

  11. It was in Baltimore MD. And I did fix the problem.

    I saw no adult roaches.

    Some roaches did something. What they did was eat the insulation off the j-quad. Only crickets and roaches can eat plastic and survive on it. Probably democrats, too.

    Yes, I fixed the phone. It was revolting. Everything about that particular job was revolting.

  12. @SNS: Not ‘back then.’ I’ve never heard of it, actually, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the nukes had them today, all things considered. Maybe there’s a recent nuke sub sailor here that could answer that.

  13. “Dude needs to be on Oak Island. I can’t believe they never brought in a plumber. But then the show would be over, I guess.”

    RIGHT??? I gave up on that show around the 4th episode. lol

  14. I was written up for that job, too. We had disposition and cause codes in Bell. We had a little comment thing, too, in the IFAS. I put the proper codes in for jack wire and bugs (yes, there really was a cause code for bugs) and in the comment thing I typed, “BUGS!”.

  15. Jimmy JUNE 21, 2020 AT 11:47 PM

    …here’s an image from the USS Kidd, a Fletcher class. It’s not commented on here, but I’ve read elsewhere that the red one is for men with VD, but the flush mechanic is very different than in your boat, so maybe not a practice in subs EVER, then…

    …pretty sure you’d not want THAT one spewing on you, just sayin’…

  16. SNS: I gasped when I saw the first picture. My sub had individual, flushing toilets in private stalls. The tank was kept at a slight vacuum relative to the boat – which for a snorkeling sub, meant that the vac had to be at least 6″ of Hg. 🙂

  17. That was the third or fourth worst shit I saw at a subscriber’s shithole. Fifth. We only called the police on one.

    “Should we call the police?”


  18. Erik
    JUNE 22, 2020 AT 12:34 AM

    …what sort of phone issue requires LEO?

    Or was it something you saw during the service?

    …also, sorry I made you tell me it was Baltimore twice. I remember you explaining “Bal-mer” to me before, but I need a few passes to learn new things now.

    …i’ll try to do better.

    …but say on, I’m intrigued…

  19. I watched the one labeled age restricted. (Yes, I’m sick that way). He’s cleaning out what appears to be some sort of main drain for an apartment building. After the other guy in the video stops retching someone comments “there’s a fresh one”.

  20. The worst episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe was the one where he had to unclog Mrs. Fletcher’s absolutely filthy toilet in the basement of a ghetto apartment building, it was disgusting. Poor Mike has done a lot of shitty jobs but that was the worst. When I lived in Portland in the Spring of 1972 a septic tank truck (we used to call these honey dippers or honey wagons) drove thru an area by the Portland airport on a very hot day with his petcock wide open spilling liquid shit all along the side of the road for a mile or more until he was finally stopped by the Police. Boy, did that ever stink. It’s no wonder that Winston Rothchild of Rothchild’s Sewer Sucking Service on the Red Green show never got a date with any woman.

  21. I know the IOTW universe has a toddler like fascination with #2 when it comes to practical engineering, but as Pedo would say c’mon man.

    That Starfish troll is annoying enough without the visuals of plumbing.

    Having been in many climes minus adequate plumbing I appreciate it more than the next guy but c’mon man.

  22. @Cisco Kid — If there were a requirement here that all articles must appeal to all readers, then there would be no articles. Speaking for myself, when I come across one that fails to engage me, or I find actively unpleasant, I just move along to the next one.

    @Zonga — Yep. Last night I “suddenly” realized it was 2:00 a.m.!

  23. We went to a trouble call on P Street. The scumbag had a puppy restrained with medical plaster tape. I glanced through the kitchen and my brain locked up. The man I was training stared at the puppy, and then stared at me. We were reading each other’s minds.

    “Police”, he said.

    I wasn’t exactly thinking, “Police”, but he had better sense.

    He wasn’t exactly thinking, “Police” either.

    We had weighed the advantages of killing everybody in the house, and burning it down — without speaking a word.


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