The Bloom Is Off the Ruse as New Zealand Drops Almost All COVID Restrictions, Including Vax Passports, Mandates and QR Codes – IOTW Report

The Bloom Is Off the Ruse as New Zealand Drops Almost All COVID Restrictions, Including Vax Passports, Mandates and QR Codes

CTH: We have written a great deal about the sheer insanity of the response to the COVID-19 global pandemic over the past two years; however, nothing showcases the COVID madness like what New Zealand is doing right now. Consider:

♦ In late March 2020, New Zealand recorded 5 cases of COVID-19 infection and immediately shut down everything, locked down borders and citizens, and instituted the most severe restrictions on formerly free citizens in global history.

♦ In late March 2022, New Zealand recorded 20,000 cases of COVID-19 infection (yesterday), and announces they are dropping almost all COVID restrictions, removing vaccination mandates and eliminating COVID passports.

Nothing shouts ‘scamdemic‘ louder than the government’s own behavior in this example.

Was COVID-19 ever more concerning than a severe flu, which was then weaponized by government to induce a global fear and trigger mass formation psychosis as a gateway for a new model society?

That question is for the history books. However, the changed political landscape, in combination with the Florida result, appear to hold the answers. read more

19 Comments on The Bloom Is Off the Ruse as New Zealand Drops Almost All COVID Restrictions, Including Vax Passports, Mandates and QR Codes

  1. They might be “dropping” coof related things, but the apparatus that supports them and makes them possible is staying firmly in place.
    TPTB will give us a little time,(kind of like a cat plays with a mouse, before the kill) and then they will find any excuse to bring mandates and passes back, to govern us harder.
    If you think for one moment, these evil fucks are going to let us live normal lives…you haven’t been paying attention.

  2. You know it is probably because their economy is tanking and they need to get out and spend, as well as tourists to start coming back. They just haven’t put out the new tourism ads that Australia has done.


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