The British army has COMPLETELY lost the plot – IOTW Report

The British army has COMPLETELY lost the plot

And their self-respect.

9 Comments on The British army has COMPLETELY lost the plot

  1. …Europe in general and Britain in particular are being consumed by Islam…and their army is officially worried about RUSSIA?!?

    …they are SO very, very screwed if they don’t even realize what enemy they SHOULD be fighting, and instead letting that enemy IN and stopping for his PRAYER BREAK while still trying to live in some alternative Cold War universe, that it’s hard to imagine England as ANYTHING but a caliphate 10 years from now…

  2. “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”

    “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”

    “A lady came up to me one day and said ‘Sir! You are drunk,’ to which I replied ‘I am drunk today madam, and tomorrow I shall be sober but you will still be ugly.”


  3. Lady Astor to Churchill: Sir if I were your wife, I’d poison your tea.
    Churchill: Madam if I were your husband, I’d drink it.

    As for England: Enoch Powell was right back in the sixties.

  4. I have never completely understood why they elected the Labor Party into the majority after Churchill’s success in getting them through the war. With that, they voted (and ushered) in every sort of socialist program. They hastened the same nanny state they just lost so many to overcome. They endured nearly 15 years of rationing hardship and gov’t intrusion; you’d think with that kind of discipline and stoicism, they would have done just the opposite, and considered it beneath their pride to allow more gov’t intervention in their lives. Has anyone here studied this phenomena?

  5. “Managed Decline”

    UK is following EU into the abyss – monkey see; monkey do.
    Exhausted, tired, worn-out, despondent, depressed, fatigued, bankrupt (of ideas, if not money), Godless.
    They are ripe for another Cromwell – or a Musselman – or someone else who will change their face as William the Bastard did.

    A land of shopkeepers. A nation of peasants – subjects.
    They have been taught to eat shit – and to like it.
    What the Aristocrats attempted, the socialists have accomplished – self enslavement.

    izlamo delenda est …


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