Diogenes’ Middle Finger: One of the most amusing things about the left is their absolute certainty that they know better than everyone else and that if only they ran the circus, everything would be perfect. I’m not 100 percent sure where this insanity comes from, except for saying that it’s common in philosopher-kings, i.e. people well enough off that they have no idea how most people live, where food comes from, etc. MORE
6 Comments on The ‘Build Back Better’ Bolsheviks
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I’ll take what is Diabolical narcissism for a thousand Alex
Joey Biden has wanted to be POTUS since forever.
That he has f–d up what he hasn’t s–t on his entire life, gave him no pause.
That he is now braindead and can’t admire his destructive total selfishness is divine sarcasm. If Doctor Jill wasn’t such a dumbass, she would be scared of all this epic hubris.
I’ll take “Diddled by the Double-Crossing, Disingenuous, Dangling Dongs of DemocRATz” for $500 Alex.
Leftist thinking is based on ideas that have never worked at anything above the primitive tribal levels of social organization.
In fact, that’s whey those primitive tribal societies remained primitive tribal societies instead of advancing in to more developed and accomplished civilizations.
So, in 104 years the Russian Bolsheviks have become the American Demshiviks. Their Politburo is meeting behind the walls of the “Build Back Better American Kremlin” in the District of Corruption destroying what’s left of the county every day.
Ah those damn dem-dipshiviks with their
shittysnotty little slogans that always mean the exact opposite of whutever they say!