I was over at my new little filly’s house tonight and a Burger King commercial came on the TV. I told her how the King weirds me out. So I thought I’d repost this Burger King post from a while ago.

burger king 1

Angry White Dude is going to come clean. The Burger King freaks me out. I know you’re going to say “AWD, he’s just a guy who owns a fast-food restaurant chain and he’s on TV in a commercial far away from you” but that just doesn’t help.

I now find myself driving miles out of my way to avoid a Burger King because you never know when the King will be in town. Heaven forbid I order a Double Whopper with cheese and NO &*# pickles this time and I pull up to the drive-thru and you know who is there waiting for me! Give me a thousand Shaniquas who hate me for being a cracka or 10,000 Peedros who don’t understand ingles but please…please…for the love of Allah…not the King!


Not him with those big lifeless eyes like a great white shark peering down on me! And don’t even get me started about that evil three foot long head! Sh*t ain’t right! That knowing grin planning some sort of evil to thrust upon the AWD who wants nothing more than a Double Whopper w/ cheese with no &*# pickle this time, world peace and for us all to get along!



  1. I’m with you all the way, AWD – instant visceral negative reaction.

    I keep expecting to read on Smoking Gun that the King was busted for grabbing little Susie and Billie and taking them back to his castle for a loathsome threesome.

  2. What’s that stuff drooling down from his mouth? OMG! Don’t tell me that Burger King is gay! Cuz, he’s posing like he is. That’s okay though, I don’t ever eat there. But that pic grosses me out!

  3. I like Burger King and I have never seen this ‘KING’ freak. I carry a .45 with me.
    Open carry. Maybe you should get a big gun.
    I never thought about the Mayo. Good point.

  4. Lol, my daughter runs to tell me when the king is on. I recoil when I see him as if I’d just seen some freaky porcelain antique doll at the hay wagon auction. I hate clowns too!

  5. KFC brought back “The Colonel” and he gives off the same freaky Burger King vibe. Same ad agency? I dunno. I saw it and groaned. They ruined Colonel Sanders too.

  6. Well guess what Old Oaks there’s still a Sambo’s around and of all places, there;s one in the liberal city of Santa Barbara, California. I saw it with my own eyes and I took a picture of it with my phone.

  7. I agree. His friend Phillip and the $5 fill up is quite strange. Reminds me of the back in parkers at the forest preserve.

    I wouldn’t see this shit were my kitchen not in line with the family room, but I need beer every now and then.

  8. The beach toilets back in the 70’s had graffiti that said
    Flush twice it’s a long way to Sambo’s

    I actually liked the place but of course I was a homeless 20 year old at the time!!

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