[…] “Most Washington establishment Republicans have views much closer aligned with Washington Democrats than with Republican voters,” a former senior official in the George W. Bush administration told The Daily Caller. “On the national security side this phenomena is even more pronounced. The majority of the Republican national security policy people I’ve met are really liberal on domestic matters. There is some genuine concern with Trump’s character and demeanor within this group but at least as much of the shift to Clinton is reflective of these people’s views being closer to Hillary Clinton’s than to most Republicans.”
17 Comments on The Bush establishment Loves Hillary, align themselves with Democrats
I used to think the Bushes were decent, although misguided, people but anyone that would pal around with BJ Clinton and even somewhat jokingly claim him as family doesn’t reside in the same moral universe as decent, honest people.
Just more proof that politics in Washington DC has really become nothing more than WWE wrestling complete with an “angle” (the story line or plot to be acted out) along with the assembly of “wrestlers” (actors) made up of “heels” (bad guys that cheat and are generally disliked by the “fans” – think Schumer, Reid and Pelosi); “jobbers” (mediocre people that wrestle a lot against the big names (to make them look better), but never really win – think most of the republicans in congress and the senate); “faces” (the “good guys” in the plot, but they often lose to the heels – think Trey Gowdy, Jason Chaffetz, McCain, Romney, et al).
It’s all just a “kayfabe” (promoted as if it were a legitimate, unscripted battle between genuine opponents rather than a scripted act with a predetermined outcome) affair designed to keep the populace under the grand illusion that America still has a legitimate constitutional representative republic form of government while the political class robs the treasury blind and destroys anyone that figures it out and objects to the corruption.
“I used to think the Bushes were decent…”
Me too. W and his compassionate conservatism was a huge slap in my face.Then skipping the Convention was the last straw. He’s a fucking asshole. The whole family can FOAD.
Seriously, imagine Jeb! thinking ANOTHER GD Bush was the answer. Remember him saying he would get the nomination without the base? What an assshole.
The real Republican Party of our fathers and grandfathers, the party of Lodge, Saltonstall, Dirkson, etc., is long dead (I guess I’m showing my age here!). With the exception of Reagan it has been a very long time since I have voted without holding my nose, especially for John McCain. There was a time that I would have gladly voted for Colin Powell but I would have been wrong. He was a huge mistake as Sec of State and an even bigger fool for supporting Obama. For a man that placed his life on the line for our Country to support somebody like Obama is truly unbelievable.
@MM, I am with you. The last thing our Country needs are more Bush or Clinton family members any where near a position of power above pooper scooper. They all need fade into utter obscurity as quickly as possible.
I knew Powell was a poser when he convinced GHW to stop killing Iraqis IN A WAR they started.
And when he just flat out said he voted for Obama/Jarrett because he was black, he revealed himself a clueless racist.
If you want an insight into his character, remember this. The hell that Scooter Libby went through for years could have been stopped with a couple words from Powell as he knew all along it was Richard Armitage that let slip Plame’s name.
Of course Armitage, another scumbag, could have done likewise.
These are the people that are in government.
Never was a Dubya fan and thought he was a huge liberal with his obsession with amnesty and flooding the country with Mexicans/L Americans. I also thought Karl rove was/is a major jerk. They hated Tom Tancredo, who was trying to clean up the immigration mess and stop the invasion, and told him to never visit the White House again. Jeb is a friggin cartoon character. A “good governor” of Florida? I am going to need a little convincing to swallow that. IMHO the family sucks and are elitist liberals who don’t give a rats a** about the common family and worker in this country. Bush had eight years to level obama and he didn’t say one damned thing while jugears was trashing the constitution and keeping the immigration floodgates open. The Bush family SUCKS
Going to try to say this in such a way as to not offend the “Life-Long Republican!” This story, right here, is why I always wondered why people pointed their noses skyward and then looked down them at me whenever I would tell them I used to be a Democrat, but figured-out a few vital things and became an independent. Turns out I was always a conservative, but just didn’t realize it until I saw the grisly making of the sausage up close and personal. I was a political bumpkin — didn’t give a fig about politics, didn’t talk politics, didn’t understand the first thing about politics, except that my family all claimed to be Democrats. It is when I turned my full attention to politics that I realized that not only was I not a progressive, I wasn’t a Republican, either! I realized there was only one minor difference between the R’s and the D’s, and that was the letter “R” and “D”. So the next time you feel like being smug and looking down your nose at a reformed (or only recently understanding) “Democrat”, think again. They probably know more about both parties than you think you do. The considerable, significant numbers of people who have turned Independent is a very good sign in this country. Even Reagan signed amnesty legislation and increased the national debt during his administration.
Tancredo is one of the few people I look up to in government. When he lost the race for Gov in CO was when I decided my Rocky Mountain Dayz were over.
He would occasionally fill in for Mike Rosen at KOA and he would tell inside baseball stories about his own time in Congress. Impossible not to be horrified and laugh at the same time.
Tancredo was one of the great congressman of his day. Scored A or A+ with NumbersUSA. Too bad he isn’t CO governor.
New World Order trash – all of ’em.
There is only one candidate that I can remember saying maybe we should put America’s and Americans’ interests at the top of the priority list and his name isn’t Bush or Clinton. And that’s why I am voting for him.
Time to set the ‘bushes’ on fire and get rid of all of the political overgrowth. I used to respect G.W, he was our president during 9/11 and I was 9, he seemed so trustworthy so I always kind of just trusted the guy, not anymore, not at all. Any man who can sign the patriot act and pal around w/ friggin’ Clinton… AND rescue the Saudis from any kind of retribution from their involvement in 9/11… What a piece of shit.
Behold the back-slapping bastards of the Uniparty.
ELYSIUM lives within the political beltway. The rest of us are earthbound slaves. I hope the all get ‘Jodie Fostered’, as in ELYSIUM.
The kennedy, bush and clinton dynasties are nearly eradicated.
Let’s finish the job in November.
GWB, who gave us federalized school control (No Child Left Behind) in cahoots with Teddy Kennedy, a new federal Medicare entitlement program, and his crowning achievement the Transportation Safety Admin with unionized employees
” For a man that placed his life on the line for our Country to support somebody like Obama is truly unbelievable. ”
Just an outsider’s guess, but, rising up through the military system is said to be political above the colonel level (I think), guessing that being a “Republican” ultimately was easier climbing.
I used to think the Bushes were decent, although misguided, people but anyone that would pal around with BJ Clinton and even somewhat jokingly claim him as family doesn’t reside in the same moral universe as decent, honest people.
Just more proof that politics in Washington DC has really become nothing more than WWE wrestling complete with an “angle” (the story line or plot to be acted out) along with the assembly of “wrestlers” (actors) made up of “heels” (bad guys that cheat and are generally disliked by the “fans” – think Schumer, Reid and Pelosi); “jobbers” (mediocre people that wrestle a lot against the big names (to make them look better), but never really win – think most of the republicans in congress and the senate); “faces” (the “good guys” in the plot, but they often lose to the heels – think Trey Gowdy, Jason Chaffetz, McCain, Romney, et al).
It’s all just a “kayfabe” (promoted as if it were a legitimate, unscripted battle between genuine opponents rather than a scripted act with a predetermined outcome) affair designed to keep the populace under the grand illusion that America still has a legitimate constitutional representative republic form of government while the political class robs the treasury blind and destroys anyone that figures it out and objects to the corruption.
“I used to think the Bushes were decent…”
Me too. W and his compassionate conservatism was a huge slap in my face.Then skipping the Convention was the last straw. He’s a fucking asshole. The whole family can FOAD.
Seriously, imagine Jeb! thinking ANOTHER GD Bush was the answer. Remember him saying he would get the nomination without the base? What an assshole.
The real Republican Party of our fathers and grandfathers, the party of Lodge, Saltonstall, Dirkson, etc., is long dead (I guess I’m showing my age here!). With the exception of Reagan it has been a very long time since I have voted without holding my nose, especially for John McCain. There was a time that I would have gladly voted for Colin Powell but I would have been wrong. He was a huge mistake as Sec of State and an even bigger fool for supporting Obama. For a man that placed his life on the line for our Country to support somebody like Obama is truly unbelievable.
@MM, I am with you. The last thing our Country needs are more Bush or Clinton family members any where near a position of power above pooper scooper. They all need fade into utter obscurity as quickly as possible.
I knew Powell was a poser when he convinced GHW to stop killing Iraqis IN A WAR they started.
And when he just flat out said he voted for Obama/Jarrett because he was black, he revealed himself a clueless racist.
If you want an insight into his character, remember this. The hell that Scooter Libby went through for years could have been stopped with a couple words from Powell as he knew all along it was Richard Armitage that let slip Plame’s name.
Of course Armitage, another scumbag, could have done likewise.
These are the people that are in government.
Never was a Dubya fan and thought he was a huge liberal with his obsession with amnesty and flooding the country with Mexicans/L Americans. I also thought Karl rove was/is a major jerk. They hated Tom Tancredo, who was trying to clean up the immigration mess and stop the invasion, and told him to never visit the White House again. Jeb is a friggin cartoon character. A “good governor” of Florida? I am going to need a little convincing to swallow that. IMHO the family sucks and are elitist liberals who don’t give a rats a** about the common family and worker in this country. Bush had eight years to level obama and he didn’t say one damned thing while jugears was trashing the constitution and keeping the immigration floodgates open. The Bush family SUCKS
Going to try to say this in such a way as to not offend the “Life-Long Republican!” This story, right here, is why I always wondered why people pointed their noses skyward and then looked down them at me whenever I would tell them I used to be a Democrat, but figured-out a few vital things and became an independent. Turns out I was always a conservative, but just didn’t realize it until I saw the grisly making of the sausage up close and personal. I was a political bumpkin — didn’t give a fig about politics, didn’t talk politics, didn’t understand the first thing about politics, except that my family all claimed to be Democrats. It is when I turned my full attention to politics that I realized that not only was I not a progressive, I wasn’t a Republican, either! I realized there was only one minor difference between the R’s and the D’s, and that was the letter “R” and “D”. So the next time you feel like being smug and looking down your nose at a reformed (or only recently understanding) “Democrat”, think again. They probably know more about both parties than you think you do. The considerable, significant numbers of people who have turned Independent is a very good sign in this country. Even Reagan signed amnesty legislation and increased the national debt during his administration.
Tancredo is one of the few people I look up to in government. When he lost the race for Gov in CO was when I decided my Rocky Mountain Dayz were over.
He would occasionally fill in for Mike Rosen at KOA and he would tell inside baseball stories about his own time in Congress. Impossible not to be horrified and laugh at the same time.
Tancredo was one of the great congressman of his day. Scored A or A+ with NumbersUSA. Too bad he isn’t CO governor.
New World Order trash – all of ’em.
There is only one candidate that I can remember saying maybe we should put America’s and Americans’ interests at the top of the priority list and his name isn’t Bush or Clinton. And that’s why I am voting for him.
Time to set the ‘bushes’ on fire and get rid of all of the political overgrowth. I used to respect G.W, he was our president during 9/11 and I was 9, he seemed so trustworthy so I always kind of just trusted the guy, not anymore, not at all. Any man who can sign the patriot act and pal around w/ friggin’ Clinton… AND rescue the Saudis from any kind of retribution from their involvement in 9/11… What a piece of shit.
Behold the back-slapping bastards of the Uniparty.
ELYSIUM lives within the political beltway. The rest of us are earthbound slaves. I hope the all get ‘Jodie Fostered’, as in ELYSIUM.
The kennedy, bush and clinton dynasties are nearly eradicated.
Let’s finish the job in November.
GWB, who gave us federalized school control (No Child Left Behind) in cahoots with Teddy Kennedy, a new federal Medicare entitlement program, and his crowning achievement the Transportation Safety Admin with unionized employees
” For a man that placed his life on the line for our Country to support somebody like Obama is truly unbelievable. ”
Just an outsider’s guess, but, rising up through the military system is said to be political above the colonel level (I think), guessing that being a “Republican” ultimately was easier climbing.