The Bush never-Trumpers have already trashed their conservative credentials – IOTW Report

The Bush never-Trumpers have already trashed their conservative credentials

Hillary’s enablers on the right

WT [StephenMoore] : Is there anything more laughable than all the former members of the George W. Bush brain trust torching conservatives for getting behind Donald Trump? The stale complaint is that conservatives are tossing overboard their “core principles” when they get behind the fairly elected Republican nominee.

I won’t mention names, but here is the latest offensive rant of one longtime Bush aide who wrote in — where else — that bastion of conservative thought, The Washington Post:

“Now loyalty to party is causing many to abandon their ideals. Conservatism is not misogyny. Conservatism is not nativism and protectionism. Conservatism is not religious bigotry and conspiracy theories. Conservatism is not anti-intellectual and anti-science. For the sake of partisanship — for a mess of pottage — some conservatives are surrendering their identity.”


This from the Bushies who shoved down our throats the biggest expansion in Medicare in decades and the No Child Left Behind buildup of the Department of Education, who spent money at twice the pace of Bill Clinton, who wrote Hank Paulson and the Treasury Department a $700 billion check to bail out financial companies, who sent American troops into Afghanistan for the Wilsonian purpose of “nation-building” with no apparent result, and who passed the worst energy bill in American history — a bill that regulates every electrical appliance in your home, from the light bulbs you put in your bedroom to the energy efficiency of your refrigerator.  MORE

17 Comments on The Bush never-Trumpers have already trashed their conservative credentials

  1. Moore ends it with this, “The never-trumpets are Hillary enablers — and if they are so smart, they should get this.”

    Well you sure would think that Romney, W, GHW, Jeb!, Kristol, Williamson, Sowell, Hume, Hayes, would be on the upside of the median wouldn’t you?(not EE, he’s a dolt)

    In the immortal words of John Belushi, But nooooo. Some of them have even said they would rather have Hillary win and hunker down fighting her with a reenergized, Republican Congress. Seriously?

    Fucking losers-these were the guys in your after school p/u game that would go home after they were called out at second.

  2. Trump is the presumptive nominee. He has not yet been fairly elected.
    He will not be elected until the convention.
    Contrary to a popular wives tale, delegates are not compelled to vote the way they were sent to vote. They are allowed to vote their conscience per rule 38.

  3. The people getting behind Trump are the people who care more about preserving the Republic and it’s freedoms, and a civilized society where rule of law is for everyone, rather than blindly following a “party” that offers no representation of the people, but of their own power and greed – which is quickly sending this country to ruin. The republican party has left the people – that’s what they should be thinking about.

  4. I heard a sound bite from Jeb! on Kilmead’s radio show today where even Jeb! is softly supporting Trump. Good for him – he took a beating and I would not blame him for holding a grudge. Jeb!’s actually gained a bit of respect from me.
    The other nimrods you named all need hit upside the head.

  5. As a conservative I have repeatedly stepped aside from my ideals and beliefs through loyalty to the republican platform.

    I voted for both bushes, dole, mccain and mittens each of whom ignored the GOP platform, the constitution and deceived conservatives.

    So really voting for Trump is going to be pretty darn easy.
    When you look at the alternative (hillary or bernie), it is essential to vote for Trump.

  6. Hmmm. I never found the following very conservative:

    A thousand points of light.
    Read my lips no new taxes, ( when that was tossed overboard)
    New World Order
    Compassionate Conservatism .

    George the 1st, immediately began to overturn the Reagan legacy once in office.
    The Bushites should throw stone from their glass house.

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