“The Bush Regime Ends Today In Texas.” – IOTW Report

“The Bush Regime Ends Today In Texas.”

2 minute speech.
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17 Comments on “The Bush Regime Ends Today In Texas.”

  1. And none too soon. The wholesale turning of the CIA into an unvarnished instrument to be used against the American people by the Deep State is the Bush legacy. There isn’t a one of them that I would piss down the throat of if their stomach were on fire.

  2. Iv heard The Bush Era Ends” 3 times the last 10 years.

    It is NOT DEAD. the leftist/liberal House Speaker is a “Bush Republican”. Committee chairmen are “Bush Republicans”

    For those tooo busy to follow liberal TX politics; the leftist House Speaker name PHELAN; has been a liberal “bush Republican” at least 20 years.

    for emphasis


  3. It’s at least a big defeat for the Bush/Rove cartel.
    George P went and renewed his law license after not having it for 10 yrs because he thought Uncle W and co would be successful.

  4. SNS: Good video.

    I do not want to see a Trump dynasty. There is no reason to believe they would not become just as corrupt as the Bushes, the Clintons, the Kennedys, etc.

    That being said, I would be willing to consider RFK Jr. (depending on who he opponent is) because by this time, the Kennedy dynasty is on life support if not outright dead. He also. Is pissing off the kingmakers at the same time.

    Biden does not have a dynasty to pass power to. He probably always knew he wouldn’t which is why he is so flagrantly corrupt. He wanted to get as much as he could while he could.


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