The California Caliphate Has a Brave New Caliph – IOTW Report

The California Caliphate Has a Brave New Caliph


The shrinking of the ISIL Caliphate from the size of Britain to the size of London’s Hyde Park is a military triumph worthy of celebration, but it belies an uncomfortable reality: beneath the rubble of al-Baghdadi’s Islamic State there remains the Islamic state of mind that spawned it — and will mutate to spawn again in one deadly form or another.

And so it is with California, at least to every defender of individual, religious, and economic freedoms.  Like the current Islamic State, it’s not so much a place as it is a crusading ideology — a brave new spiritual caliphate with a brave new caliph: Gavin Newsom.

But this caliph is not your typical leftist lodestar, nor is he brave in the dystopian sense.  He’s a Jesuit-trained thinker who’s brave enough to set himself above the crowded constellation of presidential hopefuls trying to outshine each other with ever more generous promises of governmental gifts.

Newsom knows better, because he knows that the national electorate — even the Democratic electorate — is smarter than that.  And in due time this former “business-friendly progressive” will become his party’s brightest light.  The all-but-socialist agenda he outlined in his gubernatorial campaign will be all but forgotten, as he morphs back into a mainstream liberalism designed to attract the widest swath of voters possible.

Gavin Newsom is the consummate politician, and like al-Baghdadi’s somber speeches and black-on-black style, the new governor’s problem-solver polemics and dazzling persona are straight out of central casting: the telegenic good looks of a Kennedy, the optimism of a Bush ‘41, the faux earnestness of a Bill Clinton and, best of all, a record of private-sector success that will blunt center-right criticism.

Of course, like most white leaders of the left, he’s enjoyed a safe and privileged home life, raising his four children in the rich and 91% white enclave of Kentfield, California, far from the huddled masses he champions.  And like al-Baghdadi, Newsom continues to use Middle East oil money — courtesy of the Getty family in his case — to fuel his entrepreneurial enterprises, while miraculously retaining his bona fides as an “environmental justice” warrior.  STORY

4 Comments on The California Caliphate Has a Brave New Caliph

  1. “Gavin Newsom is the consummate politician”

    I totally disagree. The man is border line stupid. They all but hide his dumb ass during an election. He’s said some pretty stupid shit over the years. Travis Allen DESTROYED him in the debates. But now that he’s Gov his staff will insure the final arrow in the heart of California.

  2. He’s a warrior for sexual deviants like transfers, or whatever they are called. He’ll climb up every liberal tree when he runs for president, if he ever does.


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