The #CancelYale Counter-Insurgency – IOTW Report

The #CancelYale Counter-Insurgency

Patriot Retort: Yesterday, Jesse Kelly launched was has got to be the most effective counter-insurgency against the Cancel Culture movement ever.  He highlighted the shameful slave trading history of Yale University namesake Elihu Yale.  And within hours the hashtag #CancelYale was trending on Twitter.

It started there and took off like wildfire.

The best part was the way Jesse used all the familiar tropes of the Cancel Culture movement to advance #CancelYale.  He also employed the same arguments used for everything from reparations to the call to rename military bases named for Confederate Generals

It was a thing a beauty.

18 Comments on The #CancelYale Counter-Insurgency

  1. Now that is a counter-punch! We must get as down and dirty as the left. They are scum, but we must lower ourselves to their level in order to stop this madness.

  2. And every school named after Wilson.
    And everything named after 0bama.
    Turns out, his mom’s ancestors owned slaves, and his daddy’s ancestors sold them to the whites in Africa. Ain’t that some shit?
    [It’s in his autobiography]

  3. Margaret Sanger bust still in Smithsonian.

    You know, in case you’re planning on visiting D.C. and having a grand mal seizure that unfortunately destroys the offensive artwork celebrating the murderous life of a vile harpy who hated black people so much she killed them in the womb.

  4. It turns out that “Black Lives Matters” was the name of a Grand Wizard of the KKK. He was actually “Black Lives Matters, Jr.”

    Will they rename the group?

  5. @ MJA JUNE 21, 2020 AT 8:59 PM

    I have mounted a decades long one man effort to remove Woodrow Wilson’s name from every public school including the one right down the street from my residence. FWIW, Spokane was one of the few jurisdictions or Districts that even took my suggestion seriously.

    Do an internet search using my last name and Woodrow Wilson and some of the requests I have made come up. They debated one of my requests on BSNBC one Sunday, my mother was watching it and told me about that and it was available online. The fucking bastards at BSNBC we’re saying such things as I have twittered racist stuff and nonsense like that. That’s an abject lie, I have never twittered anything. Period. Full stop.

  6. JDHasty NICE!!! Thanks for doing that!
    Oh yeah, a ‘racist’ is trying to get rid of a racist’s name off public buildings and streets. That makes sense. BSNBC is the right name for them. FFS.

  7. The state of Washington, and our capitol, Washington D.C., are both named after that disgusting, racist slave owner, George Washington. Surely, now that the statues are coming down and the evil police and conservatives are being unpersoned, the SJW crowd will want to rename both. I suggest Graftistan for the capital and North Venezuela for my formerly beautiful home state. Let’s get right on it, before our children are permanently scarred by these hateful names.

  8. By the way. Seattle’s two establishment Republican i.e. cripto progressive radio stations that would have you believe they are conservative both either give this short shift or sidestep it every time I bring it to their attention. That suggests to me that they are all together just fine with honoring and celebrating the racist and segregationist legacy that defines Wilson’s Administration and the man himself.

  9. Jesse Kelly needs to do a follow-up and follow-on.

    Another Yale benefactor was Bishop George Berkeley, who endowed on the school a plantation complete with slaves. Not only did Elihu Yale own slaves, but the university itself owned slaves.

    And here’s the second punch-line: Berkeley, California, was named for the same Bishop Berkeley. Not only must that city be renamed, but also the University of California, Berkeley must be renamed!

  10. As much as I love the effort, what difference will it make? So they rename the place. It will still be the far-left bastion of advanced “education”.
    I sometimes hate it when I am cynical, mostly because I cannot come up with a better plan.

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