The Case for Being Divisive – IOTW Report

The Case for Being Divisive


It has been said, “United we stand, divided we fall,” and that is true.

It is also true that if we allow sedition from within, we will fall as well.

I am divisive, and that’s a good thing. Let me explain…

Do we not divide ourselves for good reasons all the time? If your child falls into the wrong crowd, do you not try to divide your child from that group? If your boss at work is a monster and bullies you, do you not divide yourself from that company and go to work for another? When your partner beats you, do you not divide yourself for your safety? When your financial advisor is losing you money, do you not divide from him or her in order to save your money?

Of course.

So, why all this talk that we somehow for some reason must not be divided from the left? Truth be told, they are divided from us. They want nothing to do with our agenda, our ideas, our lifestyles or anything else. They want to crush conservatives.

So, yes, I am divisive. We should be divisive.


8 Comments on The Case for Being Divisive

  1. Steve Bannon just suggested conservatives go on a “buying pause except for necessities”. If they want us to go to the “back of the bus” ; not buying their shit is a time honored practice from the 50’s.

  2. “discrimination” – it’s what thinking is for. If you aren’t allowed to decide between what you consider good or bad, you are not free.

    There’s some problems you just don’t have if you are not doing something stupid – like having affirmative action policies. Affirmative action has made whining and lawyering of worthless bitches into our governing ethos – no wonder our country cannot do anything good anymore, like build a damn wall and stop outsourcing – employers need workers who aren’t more trouble than they are worth.

    A seldom mentioned reason blue cities are eager for Mexicans is that Mexicans displace blacks, and don’t put up with their bullshit. You’d want more Mexicans too, if your city had a lot of blacks.

    No, I’m not in favor of immigration, just trying to explain the root cause of affirmative action results in ever more shitty policy.

    Without extra-equal rights for blacks and feminists, they would quit profiting from being intolerable jerks. You EARN the right to associate with decent people, not force your way in with whiny demands.

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