The Case Of Fani Willis Just Took An Unexpected Turn – IOTW Report

The Case Of Fani Willis Just Took An Unexpected Turn

100% Fed Up:
Fani Willis is already in hot water due to her improper relationship with attorney Nathan Wade, but things just went from bad to worse for Willis.

Judge Scott McAfee recently warned Willis that she could potentially be placed under a gag order—ironic to say the least.

At the center of the controversy driving the gag order is an incident WLTR covered in which Fani Willis addressed her church and played the race card.

This is just one of many legal and professional troubles currently plaguing Willis, with the possibility of her being disbarred being a potential consequence of her relationship with Wade.

Regardless, one thing is certain: the Fulton County prosecutor has done irreparable harm to her reputation and her career. Here’s more on the latest, potential development: more

20 Comments on The Case Of Fani Willis Just Took An Unexpected Turn

  1. An “unexpected turn” will be when she’s kicked to the curb, along with her stupid case(s). Up to this point everything thing has been little more than harrumphing, tough talk and the totally expected tossing of Nathan Wade under the bus to distract the wolf pack from fat, greasy Fani.

    And make no mistake, Tamar Hallerman and the AJC are firmly in Fani’s corner. They will do anything and everything they can to keep her in charge, including smearing anyone who opposes her as racist sexists.

  2. “irreparable harm”

    Seriously? I guess they are using a different dictionary than mine.

    Impossible to repair, rectify, or amend

    Since she is still lead counsel, since she will not be brought up on criminal charges, and since this bogus trial is still “ON”, I’d say her position and status is in no need or repair.

    Even if she loses this case, she will still be lionized within the prog community and will get re-elected.

    Silly rabbit, Dems never suffer the consequences of their actions. This is the world we live in now.

  3. IRONICALLY She would have had better results if she was hired on her Merit rather than her DEI score.

    Bloody Ironic and shes getting sued in a few years after she gets charged with election interference.

    DJT NEEDS to Give the Bill to NYC to prevent this from happening again.

  4. Sure it did. Nope. Fanny has her sights set on a special someone with a shot right between the eyes mofo. The wannbe dictraitor aka dashboard BeJesus is filling his Depends. Penny for your thoughts along with wishful thinking is all you got. Here’s a state that doesn’t think twice about using the pit maneuver & killing people over a traffic ticket. DJT is so focked. Don’t think twice Georgia wants this, the headlines, being in the spotlight & the money. It’s always about the Benjamins.
    Talking bout Benjamins, New York’s ‘dead’ line for a measly $175 mill is this Thursday.

  5. GBH, a late 70’s British punk band, you sure the’re still alive? Anti-fag, how’d you know.
    I only like em when they’re in another state, a red state that is. Henny red state will do.

  6. Considering what we know about Fani and her Lover’s previous activities, I seriously don’t think you’ll be able to “GAG” Fani. IYGWIM 🤣

  7. She’s a leftist mulatta who’s tasked with destroying the most prominent individual in America to walk away from the leftist plantation. The leftists will not harm a chemically straightened hair on her high yaller head.


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