Patriot Retort: Is anyone on Planet Earth even mildly shocked that Bernie Sanders is a Castro apologist?

Is there a Marxist tin-pot dictator the guy won’t make excuses for?
Bernie is more than happy to overlook the bloodthirsty element of the Castro regime because like any good Marxist will tell you, you can’t have a Glorious Socialist Omelet without cracking a few thousand eggs.
Sure, Castro murdered thousands. So what? He also launched a literacy program!!!
Sure, the Soviets starved millions. But by golly, those chandeliers in their subway stations were beautiful!
Yeah, and the parks in Nazi Germany were manicured visions of tranquility.
And Mussolini made the trains run on time.
More than a hundred million dead thanks to the Glorious Communist Revolution. The Soviets, the Red Chinese, the Khmer Rouge, North Korea, Chavez, Castro, Ortega — are we now to add the American Democrat Party?
55 years of terror and repression in exchange for a bookmobile? Seems like an even trade.
Let’s get this guy negotiating our arms reductions with Putin.
They say Pol Pot was fantastic at karaoke. Loved his mom, too.
Hitler wasn’t really a bad guy. We just say he is so we can say conservatives are Nazis. That whole Jewish extermination thing? We’re SO down with that.
A picture paints a thousand words!
FEBRUARY 25, 2020 AT 5:45 AM
“Hitler wasn’t really a bad guy. We just say he is so we can say conservatives are Nazis. That whole Jewish extermination thing? We’re SO down with that.”
…Allahu Akba…I mean, Amen, brother Democrats, WE loved us some Hitler TOO, we have SO much in common that it will almost be a shame when we behead you and throw you off buildings after we are done using you to rid the world of Christianity forever…
FEBRUARY 25, 2020 AT 5:45 AM
“Hitler wasn’t really a bad guy. We just say he is so we can say conservatives are Nazis. That whole Jewish extermination thing? We’re SO down with that.”
..manly, yes, but WE like him too…
Bernie is the kid who the whole class chased home from school.
Great way to get the Cuban-American vote, Bernie.
Kinda funny, really, that a guy like BS would suck the ass of a communist tyrant who would have had him shot for laziness within the first few days of his tyranny.
Guys like BS always fawn at the shitty, blood-soaked boots of tyrants from a safe distance – perhaps instinctively understanding that they’d be the first up against the wall – the jackals who sneak up to snatch a bite after the kill – born cowards (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
izlamo delenda est …
bernie is only copying what worked for obama, right?
embrace the suck you commie leftists!
Fidel wore 2 Rolex watches on his left wrist at the same time.
I have been to Cuba. No one has a watch if it was not a cheap one given to them by a tourist.
My kids go there with their school band and we send down any spare clothes & shoes to be left behind as aid.
Sorry to repeat myself.
You must also be careful to not give the people anything too nice because the communists will accuse them of seeling and they could loose their jobs or be arrested.
Great way to live eh Bern!
When’s Bernie gonna assume room temperature like his homie Castro? You ain’t getting any younger and your heart just may not last much longer under the pressure of all your lies and bs.
Of what use is reading when you can’t apply any knowledge to the growing and the governance of building a life for yourself? Literacy has no meaning if you can’t use knowledge and wisdom gained to govern your own life. In a place like Cuba reading has no tie to what you can do with your life.
Books might as well just be rope swings in cages. Reading has no meaning to what you can do.
Wow. Excellent photoshopping!
“Meanwhile, a group of refugees from capitalism were seen building a raft to be used to get away to Cuba” Said no news outlet ever.
Oh. OK.
I stole it from the Babylon Bee.