The Checkered Past of an Antifa Leader – IOTW Report

The Checkered Past of an Antifa Leader

Nevada DPS Parole and Probation informed DANGEROUS that Alvarez living or traveling outside Nevada is a violation of his lifetime supervision and it is now being looked into.

Dangerous: A proud antifa member, head of the progressive organization “Punks for Progress,” and a bulwark in movements such as Resist!, Black Lives Matter, and Refuse Fascism has a sordid, little known history of sexual assault.

Now, speaking exclusively to DANGEROUS, another woman has come forward to accuse Aaron Joseph Alvarez of sexual misconduct.

What his comrades may not know about Alvarez is he is an alleged serial rapist on lifetime probation for charges stemming from a sexual assault case in the state of Nevada.

“I’m a fucking survivor and this is bullshit, that a rapist can do this!” the woman, a comedian from Reno, told DANGEROUS. She said she was enraged at Alvarez’s “holier than thou” rebranding.

The witness described a disturbing story about Alvarez, claiming in 2000 he cornered her in a kitchen and violently sexually assaulted her. The Reno comedian says Alvarez struck her and was attempting to remove her clothes. She struggled to fight him off, hitting him in the head with a mug.  read more

6 Comments on The Checkered Past of an Antifa Leader

  1. Per senor Alvarez: “I see some of my anarchist comrades out here.. I see communists, I see Bernie-crats, I see your typical liberals. We are all the same. We want the same thing…”

    Can’t argue with that!

  2. @Left Coast Dan April 14, 2018 at 9:43 am

    > Hence the masks…
    > Simply unmask them and they will slink away.

    If you have nothing to hide, then you gave nothing to fear.


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