The Chicken Express really went off the rails – IOTW Report

The Chicken Express really went off the rails

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Par For the Course I Guess. They’ve Accused Him of Everything Else Imaginable Already.

With accusations of Racism and Bigotry of all manner, the Cackling Hens of ‘THE VIEW’ are no strangers to hyperbole and dramatics when it comes to the man they all at one time wanted to be associated with in public.  Just last week Maude Behar said DJT was on his way to exterminating illegal immigrants.

Then today, during a discussion of Iran, and actually siding with them for shooting down one of our drones in international air space, Flatulence Goldberg and Behar both laughed at the ironically named, always dower co-host Sunny Hostin for saying she didn’t think it was appropriate for them to cheer on the Iranian president for calling our president mentally ill. Then the Chicken Express really went off the rails.

18 Comments on The Chicken Express really went off the rails

  1. What they omit is that they hate President Trump because he exemplifies America.

    America First.
    The Bill of Rights.
    Limited Government.
    Rein in the Secret Police.

    They hate everything about “Making America Great” either “Again” or in the first place.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Half the country agrees with this bunch of moronic imbeciles but how much influence do they really have? Why watch stupid ranting ugly women when there are game shows on?

  3. Java the mutt aka whoopie Goldberg sits there day after day looking over her granny glasses trying to convince people she’s a sage. I wonder when was the last time the fat slob had a bath.

  4. There are fellow citizens & illegal
    invader felons that watch these harpies
    and think they are intellectuals.

  5. Whaddaya mean, “really went off the rails”? That train has been laid over on its side in a ditch since 2008.

    And we all know when Whoopi last had a bath. So does the National Dairy Council.


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