The child tax credit is a ruse – IOTW Report

The child tax credit is a ruse

American Thinker-

By Kevin Cochrane

The firebrand congressional Squad leader known on the streets as AOC recently said, “Gee, the child-tax credit just ran out on December 31, and now people are stealing baby formula.”  She said this in response to the NYPD announcing the arrest of twelve known shoplifters with a combined 23 outstanding warrants for stealing formula, diapers, and other items they easily resold on the streets. 

It’s a false flag — the expired child tax credit has nothing to do with shoplifting in New York City.  There was no cash advance child tax credit in 2020, and shoplifting offenses declined 9% from the prior year.  However, in 2021, when parents were paid by the Biden administration for their progeny, shoplifting in New York increased by 6%.  If AOC were intellectually honest and used her student loan–funded elite eastern college degree in economics, she would see there is no correlation or causation between the CTC and shoplifting.

Here’s what is at the heart of the woke push for a permanent cash child tax credit — really, a government-provided cash allowance to procreate.  It’s about creating electoral dependency and buying votes.  If leftists really wanted to help children from low-income families, they would be pushing more for government-funded daycare to help working parents and expansion of pre-kindergarten programs for the children of working parents.  It’s true that the Biden Build Back Better plan provides $100 billion over the next three years for expanded childcare, but when you actually spread that out and apply it to the eligible 23.6 million children below age five, it’s only about $100 per month — hardly enough to pay for child care. MORE

5 Comments on The child tax credit is a ruse

  1. Wait – do the leftists want kids or not??? Planned Parenthood, Globull Warming say no. This says yes.
    Of course all they really want is power and money and dependence on the government, no matter how many poor, minority, and middle-class lives they have to destroy.

  2. If leftists really wanted to help children from low-income families, they would be pushing more for government-funded daycare to help working parents and expansion of pre-kindergarten programs for the children of working parents.

    This is your brain on lesbianism.
    Any questions?

  3. AOC is nothing more than a sneaky Tesla-driving sleazebag who, like many underhanded democrats, has forced her districts to live in eternal poverty and defeat (think Million-Dolla Mansions Maxine Waters, Ugly Lowly Lightfoot, Nuisance Newsom and numerous others of that smelly dung pile.)

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