The China virus is the new climate change – IOTW Report

The China virus is the new climate change

American Thinker:

Andrea Widburg- Joe Biden is betting on the China virus to put him in the White House.  It’s not just that whining about the virus is all he’s got to oppose Trump’s believable promises that he’ll repeat his extraordinary economic success, create peace in the Middle East, and continue stabilizing the border (which hugely benefits blacks and Hispanics).  Instead, Biden is focusing on the China virus because it’s replaced climate change as a way to control Americans.

Up until February, leftists never stopped talking about climate change.  They claimed that it was and would be responsible for just about everything bad in the world.  The following is a minute portion of climate change evils pulled from a list of hundreds of claimed climate horrors:

AcneLonger plane flightsagricultural land increaseAfghan poppies destroyedAfrica devastatedAfrica in conflictAfrican aid threatenedAfrican summer frostaggressive weedsMore Toxic Poison Ivyair pressure changesairport malariaAgulhas currentAlaska reshapedmovesallergy season longeralligators in the ThamesAlps meltingAmazon a desertAmerican dream endamphibians breeding earlier (or not)anaphylactic reactions to bee stingsancient forests dramatically changedanimals head for the hillsanimals shrinkAntarctic grass flourishesAntarctic ice growsAntarctic ice shrinks

Conservatives often ask, “Is there anything climate change can’t do?” The answer is “no,” because leftists need climate hysteria to achieve two goals: less human activity and more government control.  Naturally, neither goal involves clamping down on China, which accounts for a disproportionate amount of the world’s CO2 output. read more

9 Comments on The China virus is the new climate change

  1. So, in a way, it comes down to how many people -voters- believe in and live in terror of the corona virus threat?

    I’ve been thinking that is going to be a deciding factor -one of them- in this election but haven’t voiced it that way since there is too great a divide and too great a difference in political and social philosophies between the sides to tell how significant in scale it will be.

  2. People who live in fear need a savior. If Jesus Christ is not your savior, then the alternative savior is man made (i.e., government).

    Conversely, people who believe Jesus Christ is their savior do not live in fear and do not need government to provide for them.

    The commie leftists falsely claim to be the savior to those who are gullible enough or evil enough to believe it. Covid is the latest vehicle through which they perpetuate that lie.

  3. Every liberal wants to believe the lies of the left. Every conservative knows they are not true. The left has the lying media on its side. Conservatives have the evident truth of results brought by Donald Trump benefiting all Americans. The left seeing doesn’t see,and hearing doesn’t hear because of their global agendas. If these agendas divide our nation so much they will have the same effect globally and never succeed. Diversity is a great joy to free men and women remember the adage variety is the spice of life. Every nation and tribe of people loves and celebrates their unique heritage.our past binds us to our future and Americans have always celebrated freedom!
    God bless America and God bless president Donald Trump!

  4. “The world did not end in 1975, 1980, 2000, 2013, 2018, or any other year.”

    …but maybe it DID and you people are just a fever dream I’m having in an eternal slumber.

    Or maybe you never really existed in the FIRST place. Descartes did a LOT of work on this in his First Meditation, or at least I imagine he did…

    “Whatever I have accepted until now as most true has come to me through my senses. But occasionally I have found that they have deceived me, and it is unwise to trust completely those who have deceived us even once.

    Yet although the senses sometimes deceive us about objects that are very small or distant, that doesn’t apply to my belief that I am here, sitting by the fire, wearing a winter dressing-gown, holding this piece of paper in my hands, and so on. It seems to be quite impossible to doubt beliefs like these, which come from the senses.

    Another example: how can I doubt that these hands or this whole body are mine? To doubt such things I would have to liken myself to brain-damaged madmen who are convinced they are kings when really they are paupers, or say they are dressed in purple when they are naked, or that they are pumpkins, or made of glass. Such people are insane, and I would be thought equally mad if I modelled myself on them.

    What a brilliant piece of reasoning! As if I were not a man who sleeps at night and often has all the same experiences while asleep as madmen do when awake – indeed sometimes even more improbable ones. Often in my dreams I am convinced of just such familiar events – that I am sitting by the fire in my dressing-gown – when in fact I am lying undressed in bed! Yet right now my eyes are certainly wide open when I look at this piece of paper; I shake my head and it isn’t asleep; when I rub one hand against the other, I do it deliberately and know what I am doing. This wouldn’t all happen with such clarity to someone asleep.

    Indeed! As if I didn’t remember other occasions when I have been tricked by exactly similar thoughts while asleep! As I think about this more carefully, I realize that there is never any reliable way of distinguishing being awake from being asleep.

    This discovery makes me feel dizzy, which itself reinforces the notion that I may be asleep! Suppose then that I am dreaming – it isn’t true that I, with my eyes open, am moving my head and stretching out my hands. Suppose, indeed that I don’t even have hands or any body at all.”
    -Rene Descartes, “Meditations on First Philosophy”

    …you would think someone who invented Analytical Geometry and produced a way to describe movement through 3 dimensional space in 1639 that we STILL use in robotics TODAY..

  5. ^^^

    …you would think someone who invented Analytical Geometry and produced a way to describe movement through 3 dimensional space in 1639 that we STILL use in robotics TODAY wouldn’t have TIME for this kind of intense navel-gazing, but they didn’t have TV or Internet in the 17th Century so evidently it was solve quadratic equations or think about life until you disappear up your own ass…

  6. Climate Change, brought on by the left, was a worn out hoax. Just as the CORONA virus is a hoax.
    Masks and self-quaranteen is scientifically proven to be ineffective as well as the vaccine will prove to be as ineffective as annual Flu Shots that give you a 50 50 chance. Take a revolver, put a bullet in every other chamber. Spin the chamber, put it to your head and pull the trigger. You have a 50/50 chance of survival. Same as the flu vaccines preventing the flu or a Corona virus vaccine preventing you from contracting Corona. Like those odds? Be my guest.

  7. It has achieved the same thing:
    Reduced human mobility.
    Reduced industrialized output.
    Creates Fear & compliant slaves.
    Interrupts people form assembly.

    We all know the rest…

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