The Christian Left Has Become Unhinged – IOTW Report

The Christian Left Has Become Unhinged

AT:  Michelle Obama says she can “feel the difference” since the election. She claims that with her husband leaving the White House the nation is entering a “period of hopelessness.” With the election of Donald Trump, the Left in general is reacting in unhinged ways, with one news outlet claiming, “The Left has lost its collective mind.”

Ironically, the Left is attacking Trump for the actions that they indulged in to the extreme over the past 8 years. They are doing a lot of “projection” –– a term psychologists use to describe the practice of attributing to others your own flaws.


For the past 8 years, Americans have seen unprecedented attacks on religious liberty and other basic freedoms through politically correctness and growing intolerance of anything conservative. The Left, according to the Daily Mail, has called people racist and stoked racial unrest, including riots in major cities. Now, the Left is ramping up those arguments saying Trump and Conservatives will engage in exactly those actions – racism and intolerance for anyone who doesn’t agree politically or religiously. They’ve added homophobia and created an atmosphere of fear for the vulnerable.


24 Comments on The Christian Left Has Become Unhinged

  1. “…Now, the Left is ramping up those arguments saying Trump and Conservatives will engage in exactly those actions – racism and intolerance for anyone who doesn’t agree politically or religiously…”

    Juan Williams, bless his racist heart, was promoting that very lie on O’Reilly last night.

  2. It is still amazing to me, just how far the left reaches to deny their loss.

    Disparaging Trump, threatening the Electors, demeaning the Trump voters, lunatic raging, and 8 years of increasing strangulation of freedom by the faux president Obama, and what has it gotten them? HILLARY LOST the election, plus 8 votes in the electoral college deserted her!!! If Ca secedes, that would be a good thing.

    The left just can’t see that the ‘mandate’ from the voters is, EVERYTHING in opposition to the liberal agenda of destroying the Bill of Rights; The Constitution; morality;
    the rule of law; and just plain old fashioned decorum and good manners.

    They are lost little sheep; someone please lead them quickly to the cliff the are flinging themselves towards, so THIS CRAP WILL END.

  3. IF California secedes, which is not likely, then the remaining USA must make sure that a great barrier is created around the California turf and no one crosses, not in and not out. If the inevitable quakes come and destroy their independent nation, tell the UN to handle it, not us. The UN does not get to cross our territories, nor stay on our soil. The UN help can travel through the Panama Canal and help the traitors.

  4. If you’re Left and call yourself a Christian, you’re just a leftist. Christ has nothing to do with the kind of deadly doctrines the left supports.
    BTW, the left will never give up or go away. They must be marginalized and rendered powerless.

  5. When hasn’t the so called Christian left not been unhinged? Their ultimate sacrament is abortion so their is no way ever that I will ever support any of their causes. Real Christians don’t promote the slaughter of innocent unborn children and left leaning churches have no tolerance for anyone disagrees (they’re also big on globull warming) with them as well as very little grace and mercy. They would be perfectly happy being ruled by a Herod type of ruler as long as it doesn’t inconvenience their lives, rules and laws and real Christianity are for the little guys on the so called enlightened left.

  6. I’ve been having this discussion for years. My family consider themselves to be “Christian Left.”
    They have homosexual pastors, say that the Bible is full of errors, support abortion, etc.

    Jesus said “if you love me you will keep my Commandments.” The left does not keep the Commandments of Christ, ergo they are not Christians. There is no gray area, no middle ground, either you are a Christian or you are not. There is no Christian left or right. There is only Christian or non-Christian.

  7. The Christian left motivated by the same wickedness as the secular left, the Christian left is motivated by their hatred of the “Christian Right.” I don’t believe there’s any such thing as Christian left or Christian right. There is only obedient biblically based Christianity and those who are deceived. The Christian left cherry picks passages from the Bible that support their ideology. Ignoring or choosing not to believe that passages that undermine their attempt to hold on to their worldly believes and sinful desires. They choose not to repent and they choose not to believe. They are not Christians.

  8. I refer to the so called Christian Left as the Christian Left Behind. If you read the Bible with an open and honest mind, studying the original text and meanings of words, there is no way you will come out of it a leftist. People that identify themselves as such are deceived and delusional, twisting words to fit their agenda. Leftists are complete failures at everything.

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