The City of Oakland California Creates “Department of Race and Equity” – IOTW Report

The City of Oakland California Creates “Department of Race and Equity”

liberal progressive dumb ass David-Sirota2


Cali Political Review

Once again California proves that it in competition with 1960 Alabama for being the most racist, bigoted State in American history. The City Council of Oakland is “borrowing a bigot from Portland, Oregon to head up a city council version of the KKK—the “Department of Race and Equity.” The city has determined that government policy is to be based on race and bigotry, so it needs  Pay, job opportunities, housing, education—all to be based on race—sounds like Alabama in 1960—using government to promote racism and bigotry.


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9 Comments on The City of Oakland California Creates “Department of Race and Equity”

  1. But this time, the institutional racism is different. This time the people in control are better people. Better educated, more culturally sensitive. They are better than you.

  2. Having walked the streets of Oakland just this afternoon during lunch, I can assure you that it reaks of piss and ganja like every other liberal shit hole. There is a storm coming.

  3. Equity appears to be one of the new buzzwords. Our school district just hired someone to oversee equity in the schools, around $100k salary. And think about it – if he wants to keep his job he has to find inequity. And he can never get full equity or he’s out of a job. What is more important to him, equity or his job?

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