The claws come out on The View against the Clintons – IOTW Report

The claws come out on The View against the Clintons


‘The View’ Savages The Clintons: Bill ‘Abusive’ To Women, Hillary A ‘Virus’ To Democrats.

The women of “The View” did not go easy on Bill or Hillary Clinton during Monday’s broadcast.

The co-hosts were responding to a new profile on Monica Lewinsky, where the former White House intern described Bill Clinton’s sexual abuse of her when he was president. The View ladies took turns savaging the Clintons and their “gross abuse of power.”

Speaking about the affair, which eventually led to Clinton’s impeachment, Joy Behar said it was “an abuse of power. He was the president and she was an intern. She was 23 or 24?” Behar continued. “If you’re talking about powers, inequality in power, that’s the big biggie. An intern and a president.” Guest co-host Meredith Vieira said Lewinsky was unfairly vilified after the affair but Clinton was allowed to go on to lead a successful life.  MORE

24 Comments on The claws come out on The View against the Clintons

  1. These are some of the staunchest defenders and loving supporters of HRC? Oh that’s right, they are members of the Swing(ing) DemocRAT Party. Hypocrisy, lying, cheating, are virtues to them.

  2. A big biggie.
    It was sexual assault (not a biggie), or adultery at the least.
    if you wanna play with your words call it sexual-sex assault-assault. like rape-rape.

    Who unfairly vilified lewinsky? Point the finger right back at yourself, ladies, ya’ll helped Mr/s. Clinton get away with a big biggie.

  3. This is the acknowledgment that Clinton era is over. So now they can safely attack without fear of retribution and justify their past actions. I bet Barry sent the memo himself.

  4. They sound like Republicans of the 1990s criticizing the Democrats of today, except the Democrats of today have now switched to acting like the Puritans of the 17th century except for burning witches like Lewinsky who became a victim in 2018 instead of the whore in the 1990s.

    Democrats should just stick to their winning strategy of taxing the crap out of working people, strangling business and importing hordes of illegal immigrants.

  5. I’m sure when Hillary heard Joy Behar was going to chew her out this was not what she expected.

    Funny how they can be outraged now. If she had been elected they would still be providing cover.

    Real profiles in courage there.

  6. “Guest co-host Meredith Vieira said Lewinsky was unfairly vilified after the affair but Clinton was allowed to go on to lead a successful life. ”

    should read “…but the Clintons were allowed to go on an unrestricted crime spree, raping (literally) and pillaging all they could.”


  7. This is the acknowledgment that Clinton era is over. So now they can safely attack without fear of retribution and justify their past actions. I bet Barry sent the memo himself.

    Yep, Moochelle is the new Annointed One. Sorry about that Kamala; you got out-negroed; you should have stayed with schtupping Willie Brown. Can’t wait to not read Moochelle’s new best-selling book.

  8. What a crock of crap! Do a Google search “Youtube Hillary Clinton on The View” and there’s several appearances she made on The View and all of them including the audience fawned over her, praised her. I don’t have a TV so The View and other shows like it wouldn’t be on my viewing list. I can’t stand any of them.

  9. “The View ladies took turns savaging the Clintons and their “gross abuse of power.””

    Today would be a great opportunity for Joy Behag to congratulate the American voters for choosing the better candidate for President, Donald Trump, a choice made despite the loud and constant braying of idiot mouthpieces like herself, that occupy all seats of every major ‘news’ outlet.
    DO IT, Joy, it would go a long way toward your possible reentry to humanity.

  10. These slags are just using the cover of some new Lewinsky profile or whatever to put distance between them and the Clintons. They’ve known what the Clintons are like since the beginning and their fawning over them was well known. Now that it may be getting closer to real investigations of the Clinton Cartel they needed something to point to so they can say that they were publically critical of them and hence this load of tripe.

  11. I’ll bet Joy was asked to pass the hors d’oeuvres tray and Meredith didn’t care for the boxed wine at the last Clinton soirée. Otherwise they’d still be slobbering cheerleaders.

    Pssst Hils, they’re just not that into you.

  12. Without worthless piece of shit establishment Republicans like Slade Gorton providing cover for Clinton the Democrats would not have gotten away with defending Clinton. The Republican establishment are far worse than Democrats.

  13. I actually agree with The View for once! But I identified and believed those truths when it was happening, not 30 years after the fact. They get no credit for jumping on the bandwagon.

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