The Clearest (No Spin) Summary of FBI Report on Hillary Clinton Email – IOTW Report

The Clearest (No Spin) Summary of FBI Report on Hillary Clinton Email


The Takeaways. The Players. The Timeline.

The Takeaways

The FBI could not review all of the Hillary Clinton emails under investigation because:

  • The Clintons’ Apple personal server used for Hillary Clinton work email could not be located for the FBI to examine.
  • An Apple MacBook laptop and thumb drive that contained Hillary Clinton email archives were lost, and the FBI couldn’t examine them.
  • 2 BlackBerry devices provided to FBI didn’t have their SIM or SD data cards.
  • 13 Hillary Clinton personal mobile devices were lost, discarded or destroyed. Therefore, the FBI couldn’t examine them.
  • Various server backups were deleted over time, so the FBI couldn’t examine them.
  • After State Dept. notified Hillary Clinton her records would be sought by House Benghazi Committee, copies of her email on the laptops of her attorneys Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson were wiped with BleachBit, and the FBI couldn’t review them.
  • After her emails were subpoenaed, Hillary Clinton’s email archive was also permanently deleted from her then-server “PRN” with BleachBit, and the FBI couldn’t review it.
  • Also after the subpoena, backups of the PRN server were manually deleted.


Even though the FBI did not have a complete record of Hillary Clinton’s emails on three unclassified personal servers, it found:

  • 2,093 emails State Dept. currently classifies as Confidential or Secret. (State Dept. did not address what their classification was at the time they were sent.)
  • 193 emails (81 separate email conversations) that were classified at the time they were sent, ranging from “Confidential” to “Top Secret/Special Access Program.”
  • 68 of the 81 email chains remain classified today.
  • 8 were Top Secret.
  • 37 were Secret.
  • 36 were Confidential.
  • 7 were Special Access Program.
  • 3 were Sensitive Compartmentalized Information.
  • 36 were Not Releasing to Foreign Governments.
  • 2 were Releasable Only to Five Allied Partners.
  • 12 of the suspect email chains were not provided by Hillary’s attorneys. The FBI found them other ways.
  • The email chains contained classified information from 5 other agencies: CIA, DOD, FBI, NGA and NSA.

The rest is here

h/t Michael.

9 Comments on The Clearest (No Spin) Summary of FBI Report on Hillary Clinton Email

  1. “Okay. So where’s the problem?” says all the dishonest Democrats in the country.
    Not only were Hillary’s emails deleted and BleachBitted on her side, they were deleted and BleachBitted on the recipient (e.g., Cheryl Mills) side. How thoroughly disgustingly dishonestly corrupt.

  2. “The email chains contained classified information from 5 other agencies: CIA, DOD, FBI, NGA and NSA.”

    Is that “NGA” designation for National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, or National Governors Association? Geospatial Intelligence is what they do at all the “Fusion centers” (spy centers). They are in every state now.

  3. Excellent report! The State Department warned her the enemy could remotely turn on her personal cell-phone microphone.

    The “enemy” can turn on your cell phone mic as well. Believe it.

  4. Zonga – oh yeah.
    Government spies can set up their own miniature cell network tower. Your phone automatically connects to it. Now, that tower’s radio waves send a command to your phone’s antennae: the baseband chip. That tells your phone to fake any shutdown and stay on.
    A smart hack won’t keep your phone running at 100%, though. Spies could keep your phone on standby and just use the microphone — or send pings announcing your location.
    John Pirc, who did cybersecurity research at the CIA, said these methods — and others, like physically bugging devices — let the U.S. hijack and reawaken terrorists’ phones.

    “The only way you can tell is if your phone feels warm when it’s turned off. That means the baseband processor is still running,” said Pirc, now chief technology officer of the NSS Labs security research firm.

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