The Climate Change Comedy Stylings of AOC – IOTW Report

The Climate Change Comedy Stylings of AOC

Patriot Retort: 

“Good evening, folks.  And welcome to the Climate Change Comedy Club!  We got a great line-up for you tonight.  First up, from the Bronx, please give it up for the climate change comedy stylings of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!!”

“Wow!  Thank you so much!  It’s like, great to be here and whatever!  You know, I was hoping to arrive here at the Climate Change Comedy Club by high-speed rail, but wouldn’t you know it?  The Republicans won’t fund it!”


“I gotta tell ya, folks.  I mean, like, you know.  I had to hire an Uber.”

[laughter and applause]

“You know what’s fun?  I, like, get so much fun out of terrifying little children by telling them the world is ending in twelve years.”

[wild laughter]

“I know, right?! Those little kids are, like, so easy to prank. It’s like, you know!”

[laughter and applause]

“I mean, jeeze, you guys!  Like, it’s a joke! There they are running through the halls of Congress all terrified and traumatized and like ‘Oh, no!  We’re gonna like die in like twelve years!!!’ And I’m like, duh! Can’t they take dry humor and sarcasm?! I mean, like, come on! Are you like a sea sponge?!” MORE

8 Comments on The Climate Change Comedy Stylings of AOC

  1. I like just found out what a garbage disposal was…dah but why didn’t they make the thing bigger? It takes forever to stuff the bags in the stupid thing.

  2. “I was coming out of my office the other day, and these Trump supporters were there. They told me they now supported me!”


    “No! Seriously! I’m not joking!”


  3. Some joke.
    Al Gore’s amassed $500 Million off this scam.
    The stupid fukkin RINOs have come up with their own version of the “New Green Deal.”
    The taxpayers are getting fucked worse than Buttigieg at a High School reunion.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. ^^^…difference being, @Tim, that Buttboy LIKES it and taxpayers do NOT…seems like there’s a word for when someone screws you without your consent, but I think its reseved for imaginary acts by Republican Supreme Court nominees…

  5. AOC, Stand-up Comic: Ya know, being a congressperson is not much different than, like, mixing drinks. Say someone asks for a vodka martini. The drink menu says its made from Grey Goose Vodka. Screw that! I give ’em Wal-mart vodka. They, like, have no clue they’re so drunk. Most of them are old Republican men anyhow. Nobody, like, gives a crap about them. It’s as easy as getting illegal immigrants to vote! It’s as easy as telling people they’ll fry in twelve years unless they vote for me!


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