The Climate Faithful Have Developed Religious Dietary Restrictions – IOTW Report

The Climate Faithful Have Developed Religious Dietary Restrictions

PJM: Jews eat kosher, Muslims have halal, Hindus eschew meat, and many Christians fast during Lent. So naturally, the fastest-growing religion today — earth and climate worship — is developing its own faith-based dietary restrictions.

“Climatarians” (also called “reducitarians” or “climavores”) are people who make their food choices based on how what they eat will impact the earth, with the aim of reducing their carbon “foodprint.” The Earthist version of original sin is that, simply by living, people commit climate sin every time they eat, breathe, travel, and heat or cool their homes. Naturally, the younger generations are the most pious Earthists, having been recently exposed to the most evangelical Earthist education system yet.

“Climavores, as you might expect, follow a diet less defined by ingredients—unlike veganism, for example,” global consulting firm Kearney informs us. “Instead, Climavores actively make food choices based on climate impacts, practicing climate-conscious eating based on a series of dietary trade-offs intended to benefit the planet.” more

13 Comments on The Climate Faithful Have Developed Religious Dietary Restrictions

  1. Climavores could just eliminate themselves.
    Problem solved on what they are eating and if it affects the earth.
    Even better, now they are worm food… That’s a positive for the food chain.

  2. I’ve always eaten based on the environment: whatever is smaller and slower than me! Although, I fully endorse team efforts. After all, we were given brains more than teeth and claws.

  3. They can eat shit and bark at the moon all they want. That’s not my circus and those aren’t my monkeys. The very instant they cross the line and so much as make a peep regarding what other people should be allowed I actively wish them an excruciatingly painful death followed by eternal suffering.

  4. Kcir – Don’t Care, Everything I$ $till out of $tock for 3 month$
    JANUARY 31, 2023 AT 12:34 PM

    EAT SHIT!”

    …don’t give them any ideas…

    …besides, I think they HAVE been thinking about it…

    ht tps://

  5. “The Earthist version of original sin is that, simply by living, people commit climate sin every time they eat, breathe, travel, and heat or cool their homes.”

    So? Easy solution. Kill yourselves. If you have the courage of your convictions, commit suicide. Follow your religion. Save the Earth. Reduce the excess population. Reduce your carbon footprint. Fertilize a tree, have yourself buried under its roots.
    If you’re not willing to do that little bit (and it’s SO easy – here, let me show you), to follow the most basic bedrock tenant of your faith, then you’re nothing but a loudmouth hypocrite.
    Just pray that you don’t run across someone else who is willing to MAKE you obey your faith….forcefully.

  6. If they really cared about the environment, they’d eat packaging materials, plastic straws, and those disposable blue masks that have been dispersed across the entire globe. Save a tortoise, and all that.


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