The Clinton Foundation left a toxic legacy in Colombia – IOTW Report

The Clinton Foundation left a toxic legacy in Colombia

Fusion: Hillary Clinton has long said she is “very proud” of the Clinton Foundation’s work, but many of its beneficiaries in Colombia wonder why.

Since Bill Clinton established the foundation in the late 1990s, with help over the years from Hillary and daughter Chelsea, the nonprofit “global philanthropic empire” has raised roughly $2 billion from foreign governments and various wealthy donors to tackle global development and health problems. While intense media scrutiny has focused on the foundation’s donations and its use of that money – partly because of the wealth of available information on its vast financial intake – little sustained attention has been dedicated to its accomplishments on the ground.

Colombia should be the Clinton Foundation’s best case study. Ground zero for the drug wars of the 1980s and 90s, racked by uneven development and low-intensity conflict for half a century, Colombia has received more foundation money and attention than any other nation outside the United States. Bill and Hillary Clinton have visited the country often and enjoy close relationships with members of Colombia’s ruling party. Colombia has also been home to the vast oil and natural gas holdings of the man who is reportedly the Clinton Foundation’s largest individual donor, Canadian financier Frank Giustra. In short, conditions were right for Colombia to be the shining example of what the Clinton Foundation’s philanthropy can accomplish in the world, and what makes Hillary so proud of its efforts.

The American Media Institute, a nonprofit news service based in Alexandria, Virginia, partnered with Fusion to send us to Colombia to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s impact. We found ground realities that contrast, often starkly, with the nonprofit’s platitudes about its good work.


8 Comments on The Clinton Foundation left a toxic legacy in Colombia

  1. These 2 motherfuckers are manifestations of Satan on earth. Can you imagine in your worst nightmare, that if we know things like this horror they unleashed in Columbia, what has yet to be uncovered?

    Hillary, if elected, will take this country straight into Hell. And with the blood of 60 Million murdered babies on our hands, what we get is deserved.

    You think I’m off in the weeds? You ain’t paying attention.

  2. Clintons and cancer have so much in common. They destroy the host/nation, as they cannibalize it; they spread their ruinous spore through the body of the host/nation; they’d rob the host/nation of all self-rule; they cause financial ruin to the host/nation, while engorging their growth; they are darn hard to eradicate; just when you think they’ve are gone, WHAM, they’re back, sucking the life blood from the host/nation.

  3. Just as Trump has been saying for the past week or so: “Everything Hillary touches goes bad.”

    This is what happens when you get a bunch of people who think they know what’s best for others, together. No power in Heaven or on earth could convince them that what they are doing is wrong.

  4. If Clinton’s elected, the government WILL eventually fall and the media will have no one left to protect them. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes when that day comes.

  5. The UN should bring up on charges of destroying nations, of wholesale stealing and killing, Hill, Bill, and Chels. Let the nations vote on their guilt and death sentences. The nations have been destroyed by the Clinton Cartel, and demand death sentences be carried out immediately on these three agents of evil.

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