NYP: Even though Donald Trump had already warned that Bill Clinton’s past indiscretions would be “fair game” in the presidential race, the ex-president seemed surprised to face the issue as he began to take a prominent role in his wife’s campaign.
Asked by ABC News if his past should be “fair game,” Bill stammered for several seconds about how “the Republicans have to decide who they want to nominate” before declaring, “I think there’s always attempts to take the election away from the people.”
In other words — no real answer. more
The irony of the circumstances this loathsome pair face is magnificent. Slick Willy’s second term as president dooms Hillary’s chance at the same office. If the cowardly, feckless Republicans had convicted Clinton in the Senate and removed him from office, some sense of pity or victim-hood might accrue to Hillary today. They both would have had 20 years facing his disgrace and criminality and learned to deal with it in the public sphere and gotten past it. “Hey, he paid for his misdeeds and it’s all in the past. It’s cruel to dredge it up now!”
Instead, because he was not punished they were able to convince themselves that he was innocent, forgiven by the public and they believed that it was all behind them without paying any dues.
It is this denial and ignorance of reality that has left them both so shocked and unprepared to deal with the resurrection of the horrors of their behavior in the ’90s.
i am so happy that they brought it this sleazy asshole to run interference for hillary
what a laugh, it’s gonna be fun, pass the popcorn
A great summary of Hillary
This is going to be priceless. These 2 are going to be a laugh-riot on the campaign trail this year….a brain-addled harridan & a dottering, drooling old guy tittering on about his old love conquests
..the millennials are going to be saying “WTF is this nightmare cackling Granny Depends & Always Unzipped Grandpa, always winking at the women, doing running for the White House?”
Billy Jeff looks like a middle aged lesbian.
Just look at which “IT” girl is at NUMBER 1 with a car crash. Cracked is prescient
The “Clintons” aren’t the ones in denial. It’s their voting minions they are hoping are in denial about horndog willie. Thank God they have the commie ass sucking liberal media to help their cause.
Willy is starting to look like Gina McCarthy, head of EPA.
FYI, that military husband’s jaw dropping ain’t the only one that hits the floor when that “lovely lardo” comes up under the ad supply ads. Them be some ugly women. I live in fear that Fluvia will jump up at me. Ugh!
What was it O’Bozo’s black preacher used to screech, about “the chickens comin’ home to roost.”