The Clown Car Just Got a Little More Crowded – IOTW Report

The Clown Car Just Got a Little More Crowded

 Lizzy Is All In – Vows Class Warfare
The party of diversity celebrates a rich, white woman running for president! 

26 Comments on The Clown Car Just Got a Little More Crowded

  1. Cannot bear her voice.
    She sounds like a Kindergarten teacher who has seen something unsavory and the sight has caused her to come undone.
    That and her Mannish eyebrows

  2. Wait and watch. The Left will begin a night of long knives, buying off, taking out or silencing every possible weak and risky candidate. Stuff they used to ignore or explain away, like what’s going on in Virginia, they can’t afford to sweep under the rug anymore. Nor do they have time to attack Republicans like they used to. The 2020 clown car is a passenger liner.

    Before long they’ll have to torpedo loudmouthed retard Rosanna Rosannadanna and send her career to the bottom. She’ll serve as an unspoken warning to the rest to get in line or else.

    Trump continues to ascend in national popularity NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO, and all Republicans need to do is get behind him, so the Democrats are in pants-crapping do or die mode.

    Watch the bloodletting begin soon, it’ll be a once in a lifetime sight to behold.

  3. But…but…but…she drinks beer. Out of a bottle! Just like we, the little people!

    BTW, how is Texas coming along with charging her for falsifying her State Bar application?

  4. Why would the DNC let this many Libtards run for President. What are the optics going to be with 34 Librads on National TV telling how evil, Orange Man is?
    I’ve noticed here lately some of these Socialists like to go out of their way to label them selves as “Patriots”. Patriotic to what?

  5. @Bad_Brad:

    Why would the DNC let this many Libtards run for President?

    My take is that dem decision makers are flummoxed. They don’t understand why DJT is respected much less why his popularity keeps rising. They don’t know what strategy to take and are so desperate that they haven’t any better idea than to fling every turd they’ve got, fresh, stale, or otherwise, at the problem to see what might stick.

  6. Uncle Al

    Agreed. Furthermore as they rush to all out Socialism, there will be minor disagreements. But total unity on how bad and evil Trump is. I think this would explain why Tulsi Gabbard is under attack. She doesn’t seem to dive nearly as hard left as the rest.

  7. Trumps tweet regarding Poke A Hauntus,

    Donald J. Trump

    Today Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to by me as Pocahontas, joined the race for President. Will she run as our first Native American presidential candidate, or has she decided that after 32 years, this is not playing so well anymore? See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!

  8. I’m hearing lately that the RNC is enjoying doing OPPO research, more than they’ve done in the past. Combined with the DNC doing their own oppo research against, well, the Democrat candidates (Hi Hillary), this many be tons of fun!

  9. We live in a country where someone as hated as Warren, who serves such a micro-minority niche constituency, is able to live in such a bubble that she thinks she can be President because she wears a kotex. Or wore one.

    Her entire life and career was based on a fucking lie. It got exposed to the world. And she proceeds nonethewiser.

    “Also rans” will get a 4 year invitation to commentate on CNN and MSNBC. If they can dig Chuck Todd’s tongue out of Eczema-Kotex’s ass long enough, he may let her on Meet The Depressed.

  10. @MJA: “… enjoying doing OPPO research…”

    there’s a lot of that going on. A lot of ‘loading of magazines’ so to speak. But also going on is ‘wait until you see the whites of their eyes’ type of stuff. If everything comes out now, it will ‘be ‘old news’ or ‘we already dealt with that.’
    And stuff is evaporating like crazy. Especially pics of biden manhandling little girls. That stuff is getting hard to find. People are trying to clean things up.


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