The CNN headline I never thought I’d see – IOTW Report

The CNN headline I never thought I’d see

American Thinker: 

A friend writes:

Here’s a CNN headline and news story I never thought I’d see:

President Donald Trump’s Winning Streak

(CNN)—Donald Trump may have never had a better time being President.

Only a re-election party on the night of November 3, 2020, could possibly offer the same vindication for America’s most unconventional commander in chief as the 36 hours in which two foundational strands of his political career are combining in a sudden burst of history. . .

There is more evidence than the soon-to-be reshaped Supreme Court and the roaring economy to make a case that Trump is building a substantial presidency that in many ways looks like a historic pivot point, despite its extremely controversial nature.  MORE

15 Comments on The CNN headline I never thought I’d see

  1. Heady days for the republic! The double bonus is that the unbearable stench of Obama is steadily lifting and he’ll be nothing more than an ugly blot on our history.

  2. More to than meets the Eye.
    Two more RINOs admit they left the Republican Party today on msNBC Morning Joe Scardborough.
    Max Boot, a Russian Plant subverter and Tom Nichols.
    Only they Lied.
    They never were Conservative. Their SOLE purpose was to undermine from within. And they did so for Years.
    Seeing A blue Wake
    Red Tsunami

  3. old_oaks October 8, 2018 at 8:56 am

    Yawn, wake me when we stop winning. I’m getting awfully tired of watching liberals lose their shit.

    Not me! I’ll never tire of watching liberals lose their shit! Every time they shit, I LMAO! I clap my hands and sing Ding Dong the Witch is Dead! Winning feels good. Trump said “The only time you should become a Democrat is if you’re tired of winning!” NEVER! Let’s rejoice in our good fortune. Liberals are pissed because they know they F’ed up royally! snicker….gloat!

  4. Golden Fox,
    Me too! Every loss they suffer, every melt-down they show, every time we win, I rejoice.
    It is surprising to me, how helpless and pushed aside I actually felt. Now that the pain is gone, the joy is boundless.
    Like irritating background noise, you only truly notice how bad it was when it stops.

  5. Goldenfoxx, If I wanted to see the tantrums and lunacy daily, I would keep having kids. While I relish their pain, it is tiring to keep seeing adults act like 3 year olds.

    On the plus side, I see the liberties they take and am quickly learning to be equally annoying. I don’t know if that’s best for me, because I usually remove the wrong social filters at the right time. Once started, I don’t burn, I incinerate.


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