The Coalition Forming to Topple California’s Newsom Offers Hope to the Nation – IOTW Report

The Coalition Forming to Topple California’s Newsom Offers Hope to the Nation

American Greatness:

Gavin Newsom may not be the worst governor in the history of the United States, but he is a figurehead for what is definitely the worst ruling class this nation has ever seen. The elites who prop up hapless tyrants like Gavin Newsom are utterly self-serving, filthy rich, and concerned only with appearances and power.

California is a political and financial stronghold for the progressive oligarchy that controls America. But California also has some unique characteristics that could result in it becoming a center of opposition to this progressive oligarchy.

To begin, California has a critical mass of voters who understand exactly what they’re up against and will fight enthusiastically for change. California delivered 6 million votes for Trump in 2020, more than any other state. Texas, still a red state, only had 5.9 million Trump voters last year, and battleground Florida had only 5.8 million Trump voters. Within California, the Trump contingent may be a minority, but there is a hell of a lot of them, and they’ve all had it with Gavin Newsom and everything he represents.

The Golden State has another advantage, one that may seem counterintuitive at first. California is America’s first wholly multiethnic state, with 39 percent Latino, 37 percent white, 15 percent Asian, and six percent black, and three percent “American Indian and other.” 

The point here? California has already become America’s future.  read more

12 Comments on The Coalition Forming to Topple California’s Newsom Offers Hope to the Nation

  1. California better see the hand writing on the wall soon. These kind of dictators only increase their grip your freedoms, and never back it off. No harm in slapping them into reality now and then unless your the type that likes being enslaved and think it would be a great idea to pass it down to your grand kids.

  2. @TIM:
    “Gavin Newsom may not be the worst governor in the history of the United States …”
    Name one worse.

    Here goes: Tom Wolf.

    1)lead the ewection steal.
    2) Has a Lt. Governor named “Fetterman.”
    3) Had a woman-with-a-dick for Health Secretary.
    4) Head up his ass on taxes.
    5) Fu%%ed over many small businesses on covid
    6) Killed many old people (see # 3) in nursing homes with covid

    need more?

  3. The Golden State has another advantage, one that may seem counterintuitive at first. California is America’s first wholly multiethnic state….

    Yeah diversity. Used to be the Golden State 75% white. Now it’s the shithole of the west.

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