The Cocaine-Gate Inside Scoop – IOTW Report

The Cocaine-Gate Inside Scoop

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino Has Some Insight.

15 Comments on The Cocaine-Gate Inside Scoop

  1. Now the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media is trying to intimate that Kamala is responsible.

    It takes all of maybe 15 minutes to review the security files to find out who dropped the bag, but noooooooooooooooooooo… all we get is a bunch of speculative horse shit and inuendo instead of FACTS!!
    Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century!

  2. Fingerprints and DNA are all over the bag, takes 5 minutes to test it. This wouldn’t be a story unless they’re covering something else up. I was expecting this to occur during the Obama days. He’s taking a backseat to Humper.

  3. Obviously, Humper isn’t the only one who blows in the White House. They may need to look no further than our idiot VP who screwed her way to the top with Willie Brown. Are there any non sex perverts in this administration? To them it’s all one big orgy of self-gratification.

  4. Mr. Humper in the library with a crack pipe. I love this crass little controversy because it’s obvious the string pullers are in a full panic.

    Humper was about to accept a sweetheart plea deal on the gun charge. The Pedo was trying to keep Humper under the watchful eye of the SS and he still is snorting on the WH balcony, and in the library, and every where else in the West Wing.

    Humper will lose his plea deal, all the judge need do is order a court supervised drug test and Humper is toast. This last minute angle to blame Commieliar is just icing on the cake.

    I think the empty, vapid, and vacuous cunt will go scorched earth before she takes the fall.

    Their ever shifting story proves they know it Humper and no amount of spin is going to make this go away now Comer is demanding answers.

    It’s just so glorious that the Pedo thought he could ride herd on an out of control addict.

    This could be the string that unravel the entire sweater, couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of grifting assholes…

  5. joey is the epitome of the R Crumb underground comic book story of Meet Joe Blow in Zap comics from the early 70’s. The comic is very pornographic and extremely vulgar and fits joey perfectly to a t. Believe me, it’s not safe for viewing but is still funny in a perverse way, nevertheless.

  6. geoff – I don’t know anything about R Crumb, but in many ways Jackass Joe never really matured above the level of a Delta House frat boy living life as a fuck up looking for a place to happen with zero accomplishments and the morals of an alley cat!

  7. The bastards were rubbing our noses in it when the stole the election and they’re still rubbing our noses in it with Hunter the punter’s coke. On the plus side if they use it to get rid of the concubine who would be queen, Kamala, that would be great! On deck… the next commie moron…


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