The cold emptiness of the elitist left – IOTW Report

The cold emptiness of the elitist left

American Thinker:

What is it about the left that makes leftists so hard-hearted?  So cold?

They present themselves as the compassionate ones, the people who care.  But whom do they care about?  Certainly not the innocent American citizens being murdered, almost on a daily basis, by criminal illegal aliens.

We all know about the lovely Mollie Tibbetts, the 20-year-old Iowa girl who was murdered while jogging.  She was missing for a month before her body was found, while her family held out hope for her safe return.

We do not hear, on a national level, about the people killed every day by illegal aliens.  Americans are dead at the hands of illegal aliens too, too often.  MS-13 hacks up its victims, often young people.  Others die because these people drive drunk.  They may survive while the people they crash into do not.

And then there are the cold-blooded murderers like the one who took Mollie Tibbetts’ life, Cristhian Rivera.  Rivera is twenty-four and has been living in the U.S. for four to seven years under a stolen name.  He was tracked down thanks to some surveillance cameras.  He had accosted her while she was jogging.  She told him to leave her alone and pulled out her phone to call the police.  Now she is dead, stabbed to death.

Those of us who do not live in rural areas as bucolic as Iowa, if we are remotely informed, do not let our daughters jog by themselves in isolated, non-residential areas.  That is not to say such horrific things do not happen in cities.  They do.  Over and over again.  Remember Chandra Levy.  There are countless, nameless others.

Not all the murderers were illegal aliens, but many, many were.  And still the left resists policing our borders.  more here

13 Comments on The cold emptiness of the elitist left

  1. The thing is that in liberal enclaves like where Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Booker, Raheem Emanuel, and Timmy Kaine live, murder is a multiple times a day event and it’s done by their electorate. So it’s a political calculation between the liberal elites and their murderous unwashed constituency.

    It helps if you have security WALLS and bodyguards.

    As for the rest of us, we see the real price of being invaded by murderous criminals.

    That is why we must crush them this November and forevermore.

  2. One last question. I remember a former president hellbent on spreading the illegals around, forcing them into nearly every community.

    Did obama put that guy in that rural town in Iowa?

    My guess is that he did.

    Where’s my undo obama button?

  3. The Media acheive their highest ratings from Sad Teery Eyed stories, and yet they are letting them all go untold. I guess when you have Billions as a Media owner, that trivial Sad crap does’nt matter.
    And their followers Cheer .

  4. As someone in the movie Dr. Zhivago said about the Bolsheviks, “they don’t know right from wrong”.

    That is now a vast understatement, but after the influence of the theories of Darwin, Marx, and Freud, and physically carried out by 20th century butchers, immorality is now embedded in our laws and culture. It’s a sick, sick, world.

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