Bloomberg doesn’t care about authenticity. He’s one of the richest men in the world and didn’t get there by being authentic; he got there beating his rivals, however necessary.
American Thinker: While Michael Bloomberg’s Nevada debate performance was justly and widely panned, he attacked Bernie Sanders effectively, demonstrating he’s probably the only candidate who can derail the Vermont senator’s nomination. By the same token, Sanders can wreck Bloomberg’s hopes by mobilizing his own base against the billionaire at the convention or even running as an independent candidate. Each man has the ability to take the other one down, and that dynamic is the key to who eventually wins the nomination.
The sudden ascent of Bloomberg to the top ranks of Democrat contenders is generating plenty of speculation about machinations within the party to derail Sanders, quash the Democrat far left, or sacrifice the presidency in return for down-ticket success. Such conspiratorial speculation is natural, but it requires assumptions about backroom plotting for which there is little or no evidence. Better to go with what we can see with our own eyes, which suggests that, whether by design or accident, Bloomberg has the capacity to severely damage Sanders and vice versa.
In Nevada, we saw Sanders really attacked for the first time in the campaign, and only by Bloomberg. Why the reticence by the other candidates to go after the demonstrably wacky socialist senator? Because to do so, they have to either call him out as a phony or attack his socialist agenda.
They can’t attack him as a phony because they are all phonier than he is. Sanders’s great strength in this campaign is his relative authenticity compared to his opponents. Sanders may be a kooky “democratic socialist,” but he’s been a consistent kook, and he revels in it. He deliberately displays it, from his loud-mouthed Brooklyn patois to his studiously rumpled appearance. By contrast, his remaining opponents are a bunch of insincere, dishonest Democrat ticket-punchers, and the voters know that.
Secondly, they can’t really attack his socialist agenda, either. They are just a hair or two to his right. And as a practical matter, the Democrat Party has been heading toward outright socialism for two generations. read more
It would be great if Bernard ran as an independent. A three way race would ensure Trump a victory with the widest margin in history. He’ll probably be able to do that with a two party if Bernards the nominee though.
The best outcome of this death match is that both of them cancel each other out, period!!
There will be a FULL OUT BRAWL at the Democraptastic National Convention between all camps. Can’t wait!
Bloomberg’s response to his complete lack of authenticity is “fuck you”. He has Fuck You money because he’s better than everybody else and knows better and is smarter than everybody else.
And if you don’t like that, fuck you too.
He has enough money to pay people in a losing effort to the end and they’ll say “yes boss”. He has enough money to write a $1,000,000.00 check to the 1,000 top journalists in the country for favorable coverage and still have 58 billion dollars. Think about that.
He could buy Twitter, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and Time Warner Cable and still have $10 billion dollars left.
He buys things that aren’t for sale. But all the media is for sale and would cuddle up to his scrawny little ball bag to sniff what his money smells like.
the ‘fly in the ointment’ of all this is Comrade Bernie has a history of being brought out … & Bloomers has the key to whatever Comrade Bernie’s little heart desires in his Golden years
… which brings us to the second point … Bernie’s heart is a ticking time-bomb (no pun intended) & he probably knows he may not last another 4 years … which will be an attack point on whomever he picks as a VP candidate (assuming he wins the nomination)
P.S. ~ All Out Crazy will not be eligible, being under 35
Mini-Mike ‘Big-Oligarch’ Bloomberg makes Putin look like a food truck operator.
Lets see here, we have a dyed in wool communist that big business (and pretty much any business for that matter) hates, and a whiny totalitarian tyrant billionaire who the people like as much as painful rectal itch. It’ll be a brokered convention, where they will try to slide Buttplug or Slo Joe in.
Either way, Trump wins
No hitting below the belt, Mikey.
Oh, sorry, that’s as high as you can reach, huh…