The Concealed-Carry Hit Piece On Donald Trump Jr. – IOTW Report

The Concealed-Carry Hit Piece On Donald Trump Jr.

The Federalist: Page Six accused Trump Jr. of avoiding New York’s gun permit process just to keep his tax returns secret, but the column’s own New York Post reported he’s had a New York permit since 2007.

Page Six, the New York Post’s gossip column, botched a concealed carry hit piece on Donald Trump, Jr., on Monday, alleging that he has avoided applying for a New York concealed carry permit because it might require the disclosure of his tax returns. There’s just one problem: he’s had a valid gun permit in New York for over a decade. And we know that because the news pages of the New York Post first reported it in 2007.

Emily Smith, the paper’s gossip columnist, alleged that Trump had recently “celebrated” his divorce by getting a new concealed carry permit in Pennsylvania. The Page Six author then further suggested that Trump sought a permit in Pennsylvania rather than New York because the latter may require tax returns to be furnished prior to receiving a gun permit.

“And we all know how much the Trumps don’t enjoy sharing their tax returns,” Smith snarked.

Apparently New York Post writers don’t enjoy sharing their own news articles with each other, because the existence of Trump’s New York gun permit has been repeatedly reported by … the New York Post. Not once. Not twice. Not thrice. No, the New York Post has reported on Trump’s New York gun permits at least four separate times.

The gossipy piece on Trump also expressed befuddlement about why Trump would even need a carry permit in Pennsylvania.

“It is not clear why he applied in Pennsylvania,” Smith wrote. The entire story- HERE

Sh!t like this is why I banned linking or talking about the NYP last year. Good riddance!

13 Comments on The Concealed-Carry Hit Piece On Donald Trump Jr.

  1. Sooooo… the REAL story, is how the People’s Democratic Republic of New Yawk, routinely DENIES firearms and CCWs to the law-abiding peons of its fiefdom? 😳 😳 😳

  2. Waiting for Hogg’s fact-free, profanity-laced tirade against DJTJ on CNN. Well, not really waiting for it, just expecting it. Come on, Tater Stelter, don’t disappoint.

  3. “Its not clear why he applied for a permit in Pennsylvania” Smith wrote. “Its not clear why Miss Smith calls herself a journalist” Different Tim wrote.

  4. “Time for nation wide reciprocity on gun rights.”

    Since when do you need a permit to exercise a “right?”
    Isn’t that akin to a “poll” tax?
    Do “some people” need a “permit” to vote?
    Do you need a “permit” to free speech?
    Do you need a “permit” to a fair and speedy and impartial trial (lots of money, but no permit)?
    Do you need a “permit” to practice your religion?
    Do you need a “permit” NOT to be enslaved on account of your racial characteristics?

    Permission from whom, exactly?
    I smell BULLSHIT!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “And we all know how much the Trumps don’t enjoy sharing their tax returns,” Smith snarked

    about as much as obama wanted to share his birth certificate, college applications, grades and his passport records, why do you mention it ?

  6. “Page Six accused Trump Jr. of avoiding New York’s gun permit process just to keep his tax returns secret”

    IOW, the intention of the gun permit process is to mine the privacy of citizens.

  7. Why would he want a Pennsylvania pistol permit? Because we don’t have effin National reciprocity between the States when it comes to carrying a hand gun, you know, like we do for a driver’s license and vehicle registration which are privileges, as compared to the right to bear arms which is a Constitutionally guaranteed right. New York, my screwed up state and I think 14 others don’t recognize pistol permits from other States. God these people are SO STUPID!


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