The Constitutional Work–Around for Term Limits – IOTW Report

The Constitutional Work–Around for Term Limits

Canada Free Press: I’ve always wondered why the National Education Association (NEA) and the country club conservatives in the Republican House and Senate leadership aren’t allies, instead of enemies. Both organizations use the same tired talking points to defend inert members from the forces of accountability.

When education reformers urge legislative bodies to adopt merit pay for teachers and thereby reward the best teachers with the most money, the NEA counters that experience is crucial and paying teachers according to seniority rewards that excellent system.

In the same fashion, when congressional reformers urge House and Senate leadership to adopt an amendment adding term limits to the Constitution, leadership rejects the proposal out of hand, claiming seniority is crucial to keeping Congress the paragon of competence it is today.

It’s no accident that education, Congress and penal institutions all grant more privileges based solely on how much time you’ve served.

Cong. Francis Rooney (R–Doomed) wants to remove Congress from that list. Rooney has formulated a brilliant method of implementing term limits that does not require an amendment to the Constitution. Rooney’s Thomas Jefferson Public Service Act would place no limits on how long a member could warm a seat in Congress — that requires an amendment — instead Rooney would reduce a member’s paycheck to $1 per year after they served six terms in the House or two terms in the Senate.  read more

10 Comments on The Constitutional Work–Around for Term Limits

  1. They are allies and have been for decades. The leftist President who got Common Core/NCLB passed was a progressive Republican and worked closely withe NEA as a liberal Governor before he was elected resident.
    Hey dad was a liberal President and worked tirelessly for the NEA his 4 years!

  2. Where in the Constitution does it (explicitly) declare that once saddled with some political maggot we’re compelled to keep it forever?
    How was the Twenty-Second Amendment Constitutionally justified?
    Why is not the logic the same?

    I think America is being bamboozled again.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “keeping Congress the paragon of competence it is today.”

    I can’t stop laughing at this one.

    we already have term limits, they are called elections.

    we are just to stupid or lazy to use them.

    one term then out you go.

    and no professional politicians need apply.

  4. I would prefer that anyone convicted of murdering a congressman elected for a fourth or higher term, or a senator for a third or higher term, have a mandatory maximum sentence of one day in jail or a $1 fine, or both.

  5. Term limits are as much a feel-good solution as more ‘gun control’. Keep in mind that as each of these people come to their limit, they are entirely unaccountable to their constituents. We are seeing that right now with Corker and Flake and, for entirely different reasons, McCain.
    We need to return to what the framers intended first, before we start tampering with the Constitution they gave us. A good start to repairing the damage we’ve self-inflicted would be repeal of the 17th Amendment. I’m not optimistic it could be done, but we sure don’t need legions of totally unaccountable politicians lining their pockets and settling scores on their way out.

  6. Yo! Anonymous!
    Repeal the 16th while you’re at it.
    Go back to “Apportionment” where every Congressional District pays an equal amount into the Treasury – and THAT is the amount Congress must live with – NO Deficit spending. And ALL the problems disappear – no need for Term Limits – no need to hang the politicians – no maggots begging and demanding ever increasing expenditures.
    The technical aspects obscure the fundamental – which is GREED – the desire for others’ wealth – which is the basis of our present, Wilsonian Socialist (progressive) system of oppression and corruption. If there were nothing to steal but their own money; they wouldn’t steal.

    Simple solutions for simple problems!

    izlamo delenda est …

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