“The COVID caused him to crash” – IOTW Report

“The COVID caused him to crash”

Here’s a guy trying to convince the public that a man who died in a motorcycle crash actually died because of CORONAVIRUS.
Listen to him and tell me if you think he believes what he said.

Short 2 minute audio from 105.9 SUNNY FM.

8 Comments on “The COVID caused him to crash”

  1. Why am I not surprised about any of this? Some “expert” stating that “you could argue that the COVID-19 caused him to crash.” And if you listen to the audio, he actually says that. I wish I could make s*** like this up. It is even better than the Babylon Bee.

  2. “There coming to take me away, ha ha, ha ho to the funny farm”…… We’ve all become bozos on this deranged bus that is being driven over the cliff by mindless lemmings. Quit listening or watching the lamestream media and their constant daily barrage of bad news about everything.

  3. The More COVID deaths or patients the greater the funding from the Federal Government. False reporting, fake statistics and fake tests all lead to:
    The taxpayers foot the bill for corruption, once again.

  4. COVID 19 has been around for a long time. In 1945, tens of thousands of Japanese died at Hiroshima of COVID 19, and the United States immediately saw to it that their bodies were cremated to stop the further spread of the disease.

    Liberals. We’re reinventing history as necessary to suit our agenda.

  5. Not that I was particularly inclined to trust “government” provided data in the pre-COVID era… but this has completely validated my reluctance to base any decision or conclusions on numbers provided by any governmental agency.

  6. There are about 45K deaths directly caused by the SARs-2 virus. About 15K are the result of actual SARS — where the virus infiltrate the lungs and destroy lung function. About 30K can be traced to the pneumonia that is caused by an immune hypereaction to the virus entering the lung. This causes inflammation and the corresponding mucus which suffocates the patient. That is also a direct cause. That happened to hundreds of thousands of people in the 1918 epidemic

    And then I’m sure there are tens of thousands where you can plausibly argue that COVID played a significant role in a patients demise; that a patient would have recovered from other ailments and lived on for years had it not been for COVID

    And then there’s tens of thousands of pure bullshit cases. My guess is that every death over 100K is bullshit


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