The Cracks Are Starting To Show – IOTW Report

The Cracks Are Starting To Show

As a viral video over the weekend shows college students in Chicago challenging journalists over the Hunter Biden business dealings, as more revelations about Hillary Clinton’s and Russiagate come to light, why are the mainstream media not responding to the growing lack of trust in their narratives? – Watch

8 Comments on The Cracks Are Starting To Show

  1. I’m exhausted after listening to him speak. While he did state that he doesn’t like either party, he gives the impression that if push comes to shove he will side with demoncrats every time. Same with Tulsi Gabbard. Open your hearts. Be not afraid to join the conservative movement – both of you.

  2. They’re the perpetrators of the propaganda machine who continue to cultivate a captive audience of lo-fo libs. Why would they acknowledge such a thing?

  3. When the dam breaks on this shit I am going to luxuriate while watching the duped tear the perps limb from limb. It 9s coming, hell hath no fury like the entitled denied. Expectations are huge and there never was any chance of fulfillment. These are the type of personalities who will turn on a dime. They have no core values and have been inculcated in every decision based on a short term benefit economic calculation. The Katherine Wheel is none to extreme for the heirs to the Jacobin mindset. History will repeat and their Robespierres are everywhere. and will reap what they have sewn.

    These are not Christian people who are realizing they have been lead down a primrose strewn path and forgiveness is not in them. Seldom do they engage in conversation in which who they hate does not come out of their mouths. The progressive movement is who taught them to hate and has been very successful. The leaders of the progressive movement are who have written checks with their big fat mouths their fat ass has no hope of cashing. They hate us today, but not for any promises we have made the filthy disgusting entitled shitfingers. There is a difference in kind, not degree, in the promises we have made than what the short sighted leaders of the progressive movement has made these losers.

    When those promises go unfulfilled the entitled are going to go mid evil on the dirty motherfuickers and rightfully so IMHO.

  4. @ LuvntheBIGsites APRIL 16, 2022 AT 4:38 PM

    EXACTLY!! It’s starting and once it affects a critical mass of the entitled pieces of shit all hell is going to break loose. What the assholes who set this in motion did not recognize is that the “victims” of their brainwashing would recognize the responsible parties and direct their resentment where it belongs.


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