The Creation of Social Distancing – IOTW Report

The Creation of Social Distancing

It’s a funny meme, but this picture’s worth a thousand words.

[As seen on social media.
h/t Merry Poppet.]

11 Comments on The Creation of Social Distancing

  1. Our lousy shithead governor in Wash. state has just extended the lockdown out to May 31. I am pissed beyond belief, but since I can’t go any anywhere anyway because of the surgery on my left foot I will be OK but my beautiful state of Wash. may not. I despise Inslee with a purple passion and I have nothing good to say about the bastard. Pray for a lot of grace because my grace limit for this kind of ungodly, unconstitutional, action by a 3rd rate tinpot dictator has pushed me to the limit. Fortunately I have enough resources to get thru this. One of my friends is currently leading a peaceful demonstration down at City hall and he is very mad and angry at this bullshit. Go Aaron Go!

  2. Royal Governor Pritzker of Illinois is getting sued by a Church for not allowing them to congregate, saying that government cannot control religion in the US

    Pritzker modified his lock-down order to allow Churches to have gathering of 10 (w/ ‘social distancing’, of course)

    awfully nice of the Commissar to allow religions to congregate … as long as he makes the rule … doncha’ think?

  3. *grumble*grumble*grumble* It isn’t social distancing. We can safely socialize by phone, skype, text, email, blogs, and news comments. Not to mention short wave, CB, semaphore flags, and smoke signals.

    What’s called for is physical distancing, and for that the main thing is an air gap. Not getting coughed or sneezed at means being upwind or several feet away. The measured physical distance depends on circumstances, so this business of a fixed six feet it silly.

    I suggest using one of these two terms. Take your pick.

    — physical distancing
    — socialist distancing

  4. This is sad, but what we are being ‘set up’ with?

    The simple trust of each other. That’s what.

    @ Uncle Al – good starter list, I have been thinking the same, but I will add what is going on now as intended, is ‘work distancing’ as I like to say. The term ‘social’ distancing is a construct. A term given to us as usual.

    The economy is not affected by how far apart we are in a park, but how far apart we are when at work.

    That is what this is about or at least what THEY turned it into. WORK distancing, because why? That is where most people interact physically with others, name the business in a brick and mortar, or job site, where this is not the case?

    ‘We participate in SocialistIC Distancing’ is a motto / bumper sticker on our ship.

  5. I have said since this is all started that if all the small businesses said, “screw you, we aren’t closing,” they would back down. They can’t arrest everyone and they aren’t going to take all the business licenses away as business owners were scared of.
    This is a case in point if you fight back, they will back down. Now the city is stomping their feet and all pissed off because people just wouldn’t do what they said. They’re spreading a bunch of bullshit, the citizens who witnessed or were part of all of this say it didn’t happen that way. Some of these employees, managers and owners, took large groups refusing to wear the masks as threats and called the police. Police weren’t too keen on writing all those tickets to large angry crowds. They’ve provided no evidence of anyone being arrested for threats or a threat to use a weapon. Several people have said, one stupid libtard saw a guy wearing a gun and thought she heard him say, “the government is pushing us to use the 2nd amendment to enforce our rights,” but she couldn’t be sure it was the man wearing the gun, but she took it as a threat on her life. They’re also not telling the truth about Guthrie, it was dismissed however, it was dismissed after the city played a delaying game until they revised their proclamation. The judge dismissed it on the grounds of no standing because none of the people suing had been fined and the city had now revised their proclamation. So it was never ruled on whether it was constitutional or not to force face masks by the judge. Reading the city’s temper tantrum though is quite funny.


    Emergency Proclamation Amended
    Released: May 01, 2020

    Mayor Will Joyce announced that an amended Emergency Proclamation affecting the opening of certain businesses within the City was issued this afternoon. The amendment is in response to concerns voiced by business proprietors and citizens about the proclamation going into effect early this morning. The changes are related to wearing face coverings and extends the duration of the proclamation to May 31 at 11:59 p.m. This proclamation will be subject to continued amendments as necessary.

    City Manager Norman McNickle said, “In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse. In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.

    “Many of those with objections cite the mistaken belief the requirement is unconstitutional, and under their theory, one cannot be forced to wear a mask. No law or court supports this view. In fact, a recent Federal lawsuit against Guthrie’s face covering order was fully dismissed by the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma.

    “It is further distressing that these people, while exercising their believed rights, put others at risk. As mentioned, there is clear medical evidence the face coverings prevent COVID-19 spread; they are recommended by both the CDC and the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The wearing of face coverings is little inconvenience to protect both the wearer and anyone with whom they have contact. And, an unprotected person who contracts the virus can infect their own loved ones and others.

    “It is further well settled that a business is private property to which people do not have unfettered right of entry. Just as a business has the right to enforce ‘No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service,’ the business can require a face covering as a condition to entry.

    “The City of Stillwater has attempted to keep people safe by the simple requirement to wear a face covering to protect others. It is unfortunate and distressing that those who refuse and threaten violence are so self-absorbed as to not follow what is a simple show of respect and kindness to others.
    “In that effort to insure the safety of others, we now have to weigh the safety of store owners and employees to threats of violence. We cannot, in clear conscience, put our local business community in harm’s way, nor can the police be everywhere. Accordingly, we will now be asking our local stores and business to encourage, but not require, patrons to cover their faces. Of course, each business can choose to adopt a more stringent approach, and we ask everyone to respect and abide by such decisions.

    Wearing a face covering is an easy way to support the health of your community and speed our recovery from this pandemic. Please do so.”

  6. A cop with an ass to grind wrote up my Petey B for violating social distancing protocols with my unbleached elastic starfish. After the cop with an ass to grind handcuffed my Petey B to the headboard, he proceeded to violate social distancing protocols with my unbleached elastic starfish!


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