The Crimes Of Tony Fauci As Told By Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – IOTW Report

The Crimes Of Tony Fauci As Told By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

We deep dive into the life of Fauci and big Pharma. Our guests are: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
-Bannon’s War Room [Aired December-18-2021]

10 Comments on The Crimes Of Tony Fauci As Told By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

  1. In his book, the self-congratulating RFK Jr did some major trashing of presTrump yet issued nothing about the sinister sleazebag Joe Biden. Add that the very-liberal RFK Jr refers to his friends as his “liberal chums” and gives all credit regarding any accomplishments in and by the US to his “family”. Add again that while griping about forced masks and that the (CCP) things are unnecessary, which is found to be true, RFK Jr holds a mask-required party for his globalist-elitist friends. Later he blames his wife for that mask-required demand for party guests, exposing his hypocrisy and greed-infested hands. Further, much of that info RFK Jr has written in his Amazon-peddled $20 book is copyright-free in the public domain which could be read for no cost at all. Funny how Amazon allowed some guy with a “Kennedy” name yet banned books by legit authors writing/speaking against covid masks, vaxx, and multiple “boosters” positioned by big pharma, Fauci, Biden, HHS etc.

  2. I don’t watch TV / Cable… I’ve never heard RFK.jr speak before. Is this his normal speaking cadence? He’s able to convey his thoughts… I just never knew he had a speech impediment.
    or is he sick?

  3. Hey Cate, my best friend has the same issues with speech, indeed it’s a impediment but it has a specific medical diagnosis, can’t remember what’s it’s specifically called.

  4. Anon
    The enemy of my enemy…

    RFK Jr has politics in his DNA. Regardless, I couldn’t care less if he speaks with forked tongue (even I have a beef w Trump for pushing the vax b’cause he ramped up production, so it’s a gimme credit ego thing), nor could I give a damn about mask mandates at RFKs soirée.

    Is his info factual?

    What was foisted on the global population resulting in needless deaths, destroyed economies, destroyed reputations of good scientific professionals, never seen before authoritarian control in Western democracies ushering in the Great Reset, IMO deserves credit.

    I haven’t read his book, but have seen him on several podcasts. He’s never deviated from the same claims.
    I don’t care how much money he’s made from the book…I’m sure it’s a pittance compared to big Pharma and the evil doers in charge in our own govt.

  5. I am reading his book now. It’s shocking. So is the fact that he is not getting interviews or reviews with his liberal friends in the media. And, I notice Fauci and his cohorts are not suing RFK Jr for defamation, libel, or slander, while the book is a bestseller and is being reprinted every week.

    My brother was murdered by Fauci and everyone who worked with him to pull cheap therapeutics off the market and foist remdesivir on the hospitalized. My only satisfaction is that my brother denied them the final payout by refusing the ventilator. Evil bastards.


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